Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Chester E. Hall (1872-1950)

Posted on October 1st, 1950 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Chester E. Hall (1872-1950)

Chester E. Hall, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died in 1950.

Read the memorial resolutions:

C. P. Lycoming County, 200 June Term, 1950.  In the matter of the death of Chester E. Hall, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.


To the Honorable Don M. Larrabee, President Judge, and to the Honorable Charles Scott Williams, Judge, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania:

Your committee appointed to draft suitable Resolutions upon the death of Chester E. Hall, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, respectfully makes report as follows:

Chester E. Hall was born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, on the 8th day of January, A. D. 1872, where he spent his early life and attended the Public Schools and was a student at the Muncy Normal School, from which he graduated in the class of 1895. Later he attended and graduated from what was then known as the Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, now Lycoming College. Following his graduation he became a law student in the office of William W. Hart, Esquire, of Williamsport, Pa., who was later elected Judge of the several Courts of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. He was admitted to the practice of the Law on the 13th day of April, A. ID. 1899 and was engaged in active practice thereafter up to the time of his death, a period of over fifty-one years. In June of 1902 he was married to Claudia Beatrice Riley, who survives him. No children were born of their marriage. He was a member of the Williamsport Historical Society, the Muncy Historical Society, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Lycoming Law Association, of which last he was a Past President.

The Committee recommends the adoption of the following Resolutions:

Whereas the Supreme Judge of the Universe hath in his infinite wisdom removed from our midst our good Friend and associate, Chester E. Hall,

And Whereas we mourn his loss and wish to pay our tribute to his memory,

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Bench and Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, have lost an able and conscientious member, the Community a useful citizen, the organizations of which he was a member and earnest helper and his friends and acquaintances a true friend and helpful acquaintance.

And Further, that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the Minutes of this Court and that a copy hereof be furnished to his family under the seal of said Court.

All of which is respectfully submitted.