Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Henry C. Hicks (1896—51)

Posted on January 1st, 1951 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Henry C. Hicks (1896—51)

Henry C. Hicks, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died in 1951.

Read the memorial resolutions:

C. P. Lycoming County, No. 522 December Term, 1951. In the matter of the death of Henry C. Hicks, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.


To the Honorable Charles Scott Williams, President Judge.

To the Honorable Charles F. Greevy, Judge.

Your Committee, appointed to draft suitable Resolutions on the death of HENRY C. HICKS, ESQUIRE, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, respectfully makes report as follows:

HENRY C. HICKS was born on the Sixteenth day of May, 1892, at Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, where he spent his early life and attended the public schools and was graduated from the former Williamsport Dickinson Seminary in 1910.  He was an undergraduate at Dickinson College, Carlisle, when World War I broke out. He received his officer’s training at Plattsburg, saw active combat duty as a lieutenant in the 78th Division Machine Gun Company, and attained the rank of captain before his discharge. His death resulted from a condition caused by shrapnel wounds received in the Argonne. After his return from Europe he attended, and was graduated from, Harvard School of Law, and thereafter practiced law with his father, the late T. M. B. Hicks, for a period of about five years, or until his father’s death in 1924, after which he continued to practice alone.

Mr. Hicks served his country as its District Attorney from 1927 to 1931, as the successful candidate on the Republican ticket.  This was his only venture in politics.

In passing, and while on the subject of politics, your Committee points out that to his dying day Mr. Hicks felt very strongly concerning the principles of his party, and constantly did every thing in his power to see it again become majority party nationally. So vehement was he in this desire that it seems a pity he could not live long enough to observe its fulfillment.

In 1920 he married the former Claire Louise Ellis, whose home was in Nebraska, and who survives him ; as does also a daughter, Phyllis, now residing in New Jersey. Surviving besides his wife and daughter are his mother, Mrs. T. B. M. Hicks, and three brothers, T. B. M. Hicks, Jr., of Dallas, Pa. and New York City, W. W. Hicks, of Rosemont, near Philadelphia, and Everet Hicks, of New York City.

Mr. Hicks was a member of the Garrett Cochran Post No. 1, American Legion, and the 40 and 8 Society; the Lycoming Law Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

The Committee recommends the adoption of the following Resolution:

WHEREAS, God hath in his infinite wisdom removed from our midst our friend and associate, Henry C. Hicks ; and,

WHEREAS, we mourn his loss and wish to pay our tribute to his memory.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bench and Bar of Lycoming County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have lost an able and conscientious member, the community a useful citizen, the United States of America one of its heroes, and the organizations of which he was a member an earnest helper; and others a true friend and helpful acquaintance.

And, further, that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the Minutes of this Court, and that a copy thereof be furnished to his family under the seal of said Court.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

H. Swank Phillips, Chairman
Michael J. Maggio
Joseph P. Keliher
Edward H. Dwyer
M. Edward Toner