Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Ira Franklin Smith (1869-52)

Posted on July 24th, 1954 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Ira Franklin Smith (1869-52)

Ira Franklin Smith, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died July 24, 1952.

Read the memorial resolutions:

C. P. Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, No. 372 June Term, 1952. In the matter of the Death of Ira F. Smith, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.


To the Honorable Charles Scott Williams, President Judge.
To the Honorable Charles F. Greevy, Judge.

Your Committee appointed to draft suitable Resolutions upon the death of Ira F. Smith, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, respectfully report as follows:

IRA F. (FRANKLIN) SMITH, Esquire, was born in Fairfield Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, on the sixteenth day of February, A. D., 1869, the son of James Andrew Jackson Smith and his wife, Christiana Drick Smith, and was a lifelong resident of his native County, where he attended the public schools thereof and was a student of the now famous Muncy Normal School.

Later he attended and was graduated from Lafayette College in the Class of 1891, when he immediately returned to his native heath and entered the law office of the late William W. Hart, Esquire, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, who was later elected Judge of the several courts of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.

He was admitted to the practice of the law on the fifth day of April, A. D. 1894, and has engaged in the active practice of his chosen profession from then until the date of his death, July 24, 1952, or a period of 58 years, during which he served a large and substantial clientele and served his County with distinction for a term of three years as District Attorney.

On June 30, 1917, he Was married to one Grace Shaw, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, who survives him, as well as one son, Ira F. Smith, Jr. and a grandson, Ira F. Smith, III.

Ira F. Smith, Esquire was a lifelong Democrat.  In fact Democracy was so strong in the County of Lycoming, that anyone of importance or otherwise affiliated with the party when he came to early manhood.

He was always active in the party of his choice and was a delegate to the first and fourth National Conventions that nominated Franklin D. Roosevelt for the presidency of the United States, which was always a source of great satisfaction to him.

Ira F. Smith, Esquire was a God-fearing man and religious by nature and as such he gave regular attendance to the Christ Episcopal Church of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, being at the time of his death a member of the Church Council thereof.

He was a member of all the Masonic bodies and was a Past Master and Trustee of Lodge No. 106.  He was also a member of the Howard and Acacia Clubs. He was a life member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and a member of the Amazon Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was a member of and Past President of the Lycoming County Bar Association and a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

Ira I Smith, Esquire was a good man. He was a gentleman under all circumstances and was never one to give violent expression to his feelings. He was kind and generous and despite his advanced years was one young in heart and spirit and his passing is noted with deep regret by his brethren of the Bar he loved so well.

Realizing that all who are born must die and that it is appointed unto man to die once, your Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of the following:


WHEREAS, Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove from our midst and his labours, our esteemed friend and associate, Ira Franklin Smith, Esquire, and,

WHEREAS, we deeply mourn his loss and wish to pay due tribute to his loving memory:

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in the passing of our esteemed brother, the Bench and Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, have lost an able and conscientious member, the County a useful and valued citizen, the organization of which he was a member an earliest and sincere helper, his family a kind and loving husband and father, his friends and acquaintances a true, genial and helpful counselor.

And, Further, that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of this Court and a copy thereof be furnished to his family under the seal of said Court:

All of which is most respectfully and affectionately submitted.

Hon. D. M. Larrabee,

John C. Youngman, Esq.,

Marshall R. Anspach, Esq.,

William E. Schnee, Esq.,

M. Edward Toner, Esq., Chairman