Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Ermin Forrest Hill (1872-1957)

Posted on July 16th, 1957 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Ermin Forrest Hill (1872-1957)

Ermin Forrest Hill, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died July 16, 1957.

Read the memorial resolutions:

C. P. Lycoming County, 514 May Term, 1957.  In the Matter of the Death of Ermin F. Hill, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.


To the Honorable Charles Scott Williams, President Judge.
To the Honorable Charles Fritcher Greevy, Judge.

Your Committee appointed to draft suitable Resolutions upon the death of ERMIN FOREST HILL, ESQUIRE, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, respectfully report as follows:

ERMIN FOREST HILL, Esquire, was born in East Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania on the fifth day of March, A. D. 1872, the son of Frank and Christine Steck Hill. He was a life long resident of his native County, where he attended the public schools thereof and was a graduate of the now famous Muncy Normal School.

Pursuant to his graduation, he taught school for several years with a special interest and ability in the field of mathematics. Thereafter he attended Pennsylvania State University, graduating therefrom in 1897. Again, for a period of several years, he taught school in Lycoming and in Sullivan Counties.

Attracted by the opportunities presented in the field of law, he entered the law office of Walter C. Gilmore, Esquire, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He was admitted to the practice of law on the first day of February, A. D., 1904 and has engaged in the active practice of his chosen profession from then until just prior to his death on the sixteenth day of July, A. D., 1957, or a period of fifty-three years, during which he served a large and substantial clientele.

Ermin F. Hill never married. For many years he provided and cared for his mother Christine with deep and affecting love.

Ermin F. Hill was an outdoor man with an unusual bent, nay, an insistence upon fair play. An expert shot, he seldom if ever would make any effort to shoot the maximum permitted by law. It would never occur to him to shoot at any animal or bird that was not in motion. Although he shot and killed a number of deer and several bear in his lifetime, he always regretted having shot more than one deer.

He was one of the finest trapshooters in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, winning many area and district “shoots,” and gaining thereby a real accumulation of prizes. He was a member of the Atlantic Indians Trapshooting Association, 1nc.

Ermin F. Hill was a member of Muncy Lodge No. 299, F. &A. H.; the Williamsport Scottish Rite Consistory; Baldwin 11 Commandery No. 22; Knights Templar; and Warrior Run Royal Arch Chapter No. 246 of Watsontown, Pa.

Ermin F. Hill was a good man with the highest of moral standards.  He was exacting in his work, at all times being unwilling to take any short cuts and was impatient and unyielding toward anyone who failed in matters of detail.  He was kind and generous toward his fellowman, and at the same time, always ready to state his position and opinion in any matter that was presented. Despite his advanced years he was young in heart with a very real interest and consideration for young men and women who had material need. His passing is noted with deep regret by his brethren of the Bar.

Realizing that all men who are born must die and that it is appointed unto man to die once, your Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of the following:


WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove from our midst and his labours, our esteemed friend and associate, Ermin Forest Hill, Esquire and

WHEREAS, we deeply mourn his loss and wish to pay due tribute to his loving memory:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in the passing of our esteemed brother, the Bench and Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, have lost an able and conscientious member, the County a useful and valued citizen, the organizations of which he was a member an earnest and sincere helper, and his friends, and acquaintances a true, genial and helpful counselor.

And, Further, that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of this Court and a copy thereof be furnished to his family under the seal of said Court.

All of which is most respectfully and affectionately submitted.

Alvan Baird
Alfred Jackson
J Fred Gehr
Charles F. Bidelspacher
Spencer W. Hill
William F. Schnee