In Memoriam: James C. Watson (1876-1955)
James C. Watson, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died April 20, 1955.
Read the memorial resolutions:
C. P. Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, No. 583 February Term, 1955. In the Matter of the Death of James C. Watson, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
Your Committee appointed to draft Suitable Resolutions upon the death of JAMES C. WATSON, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, respectfully report as follows:
JAMES C. WATSON, died in the Williamsport Hospital on Wednesday, April 20, 1955 at the age of 79 years.
After attending Chambersburg Academy and Princeton University, he entered the law offices of H. C. and S. T. McCormick as a student at law, and on April 7, 1900, upon motion of Benjamin S. Bentley, Esquire, the then president of the Board of Examiners, he was on order of John Metzger, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County, admitted to practice as an Attorney in said County.
After his admission to the Bar, Mr. Watson after a few years gave up active practice as an attorney at law and served as clerk for several state governmental committees at Harrisburg, and for many years had been a member of the Trustees of the Savings Institution of the City of Williamsport, and a member of its Executive Committee.
His kindness in manner and geniality of disposition brought him a large school of friends by whom he will be sincerely missed as a loyal friend and an upright citizen.
By the death of Mr. Watson, this Bar loses an honored member, this community a useful and altruistic citizen, and his family a faithful and devoted member.
The members of the Lycoming County Bar, in meeting assembled, have desired, through this Committee, to record this expression of their esteem that the same may he entered at large upon the minutes of the Court of Lycoming County.
John C. Candor,
John C. Youngman,
H Alvan Baird,
Malcolm Muir,
AND NOW, to wit, April 22, 1955, agreeable to the notice heretofore given, a number of the members of the Bar met at the Court House at 11:30 AM., EST, at which meeting the report attached hereto was presented by the Committee heretofore appointed. Upon reading of this report and after many members of the Bar had spoken words of affection and praise of the character and ability of the deceased, it was moved and carried that the minutes heretofore attached be adopted as the expression of this Bar and that the same be spread upon the minutes of the Court: Be it Therefore ORDERED that said minutes be entered at length upon the minutes of the Court and that a certified copy of the same, under the seal of this Court, be presented to the family of the deceased.