Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Floyd M. Kocher (1885-1961)

Posted on September 11th, 1961 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Floyd M. Kocher (1885-1961)

Floyd M. Kocher, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died September 11, 1961.

Read the memorial resolutions:

C. P Lycoming County, No. 13 September Term, 1961. In the matter of the death of Floyd M. Kocher, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.


To the Honorable, The Judges of Said Court:

The undersigned committee, appointed by your Honorable Court to draft suitable Resolutions upon the death of Floyd M. Kocher, Esquire, a member of this Bar, respectfully reports in manner following, to-wit:

Floyd M. Kocher was born at Ruggles Hollow, Lake Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, August 17, 1885, a son of Elmer E. and Mary Etta (O’Mealey) Kocher, where he resided until 1914 when he moved to Williamsport where he continued to reside until his death, 8 AM., Monday, September 11, 1961.

Shortly after moving to Williamsport he became interested in the study of law and entered the law office of the Honorable Archibald M. Hoagland, then a young lawyer destined to become Mayor of Williamsport. After much hard work and self-education, Mr. Kocher was admitted to our Bar, on motion of Charles J. Reilly, long-time chairman of the Lycoming County Board of Law Examiners, on April 7, 1920 (vide No. 208, March Term 1920, C. C. P.). He opened his own law office in the Jona Temple Hall building, south-east corner of West Fourth and Arch Streets, Newberry. There he continued to practice until the admission of his son, Norman E. Kocher, Esq., in 1938, when they moved their offices to the Goldenberg building on Pine Street, Williamsport, where he continued to practice until his recent demise.

Mr. Kocher married Carrie A. Schoonover, of Center Moreland, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, at Noxon, Pa., on September 18, 1907, who survives him together with his son, Norman E. Kocher already mentioned; a daughter, Jean, intermarried with Charles F. Kocher, a teacher in the Roosevelt Junior High School in this city; Herbert J. Kocher, a photographer in Old Lycoming Township and Ernest F. Kocher, an insurance agent, of Mifflinburg, Pa., in addition to five brothers and 4 grandchildren.  It is worthy of note that all thereof of his sons saw active combat service in World War II.

Floyd M. Kocher might be said to have been graduated from the school of hard knocks and steady blows, in that he was obliged to leave school at the age of 13. He was a voracious reader and had a remarkably retentive memory, and after his marriage, in order to prepare himself for his chosen profession, he was tutored by his wife in algebra and kindred subjects. He was truly a dedicated lawyer and loved his profession with a zeal seldom manifested by those privileged to practice this great profession. He was a man of profound convictions, and once convinced of the righteousness of his cause, he persisted therein regardless of the consequences. He was formerly a Justice of the Peace when he lived in Noxon, Pa.

He was a God-fearing man, extremely religious by nature. An active member of the Calvary Methodist Church, he served as Sunday School Superintendent for 12 years, and a teacher for 44 years. He was also a trustee for 44 years and at the time of his death was an honorable trustee. He was a member of the Methodist Men’s Club, the Friday Night Club of the Y.M.C.A.. and the Patriotic Order, Sons of America. In his earlier years he had been a great outdoor man, and enjoyed both hunting and fishing, which he had to forego later on because of his health.

Mr. Kocher was a life-long Republican and served at one time as an Assistant District Attorney.

Realizing that all who are born must die, an that in the midst of life we are truly in the midst of death, your committee respectfully recommends the adoption of the following resolution:

“RESOLVED that --

“WHEREAS, Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, has seen fit to call from his labors our esteemed friend and brother, Floyd M. Kocher, Esquire, and

“WHEREAS, we mourn his loss and desire to pay due tribute to his memory,

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in the passing of Floyd M. Kocher the Bench and Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, has lost a dedicated and conscientious member ; the Community a useful and valued citizen his church and kindred organizations an earnest and sincere worker; his friends and acquaintances, a true, genial and helpful friend, and FURTHER, that these resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of this court, and a copy thereof be sent to his family under the seal of this Court.”

Respectfully submitted

M. Edward Toner, Chairman
Alfred Jackson
Patrick H. Fierro,
Marshall R. Anspach