Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: George E. Sands (1883—1967)

Posted on August 9th, 1967 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: George E. Sands (1883—1967)

George E. Sands, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died August 9, 1967.

Read the memorial resolutions:

Common Pleas, Lycoming County, No. 1256 May Term, 1967

In The Matter of The Death of George E. Sands
A Member of The Bar
Of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania


In compliance with the Order of your Honorable Court the Committee has met and submits the following Report and Resolution:

George Eves Sands departed this life at the age of 84 on August 9, 1967 following a decline in his health which commenced around the first of this year and from which he never recovered.

He was born February 28, 1883 at Mordansville, Pa., a small hamlet outside of Millville, Columbia County. His father, James P. Sands, was interested in a woolen mill there and was postmaster. However, he died when George was eight years old and his widow and her four children moved into Millville, across the street from her father, Joseph K. Eves. George had two brothers and one sister. His sister, Mary, taught in the elementary grades of the public schools in Millville and died approximately twenty-five years ago. His brother, Justin, died over fifty years ago. His other brother was Dr. James Sands, a psychiatrist who served as superintendent of Byberry Hospital, a mental institution in the Philadelphia area. Dr. Sands, who was younger than George, died about four years ago.

George Sands was a “birth-right” Quaker, which simply means that both his mother and father were Quakers, and he was a life-long member of the Millville Friends Meeting. He was a regular attendant there and in spite of the distance and advancing years Mr. Sands continued by attending Meetings on an average of at least once a month up to the time of his last illness.

George E. Sands completed his early education after attending the George School, a well-known Quaker institution located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Then in 1902 lie went to the University of Michigan Law School, graduating from there in 1905.

Under the influence of William Ellis Haines, a member of the Lycoming County Bar who doubtless knew our subject through their common interest as Quakers, George F. Sands came to Williamsport and entered the offices of “Haines and Peaslee” (William Ellis Dames and Clarence Loomis Peaslee) where he served his clerkship and was admitted to practice before the several courts of Lycoming County on March 8, 1907 by the Honorable William W. Hart, President Judge, upon motion of Charles J. Reilly, Esquire, then Secretary of the Board of Examiners of the Lycoming County Bar.

Mr. Sands continued with the firm of Haines and Peaslee for a few years but around 1910 he opened his own offices and thereafter remained a separate practitioner.

On November 15, 1912 George E. Sands became married to the former Jean Cheyney who survived him. They had no children.

In his earlier years Mr. Sands was quite an ardent fisherman and often went with friends to Canada to engage in this sport. He also enjoyed reading but unfortunately he suffered from a deterioration of the retina during the past five or six years which curtailed this activity.

Your Committee therefore offers the following Resolutions for adoption as minutes of this Court:

BE IT RESOLVED that through the death of George Eves Sands the Bar of Lycoming County has lost one of its oldest members.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of this court and that a copy thereof he sent to Mr. Sands’ widow, Jean Cheyney Sands.

Respectively submitted,

John C. Decker
Alfred Jackson
John C. Youngman, Sr.
Nathan W. Stuart, Chairman