Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Sidney Dale Furst, Jr. (1904—69)

Posted on July 9th, 1969 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Sidney Dale Furst, Jr. (1904—69)

Sidney Dale Furst, Jr., a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died  October 30. 1969. 

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County No. 1132 May Term, 1969

To The Honorable, The Judges of The Court Of Common Pleas Of Lycoming County:

Pursuant to the Order of this Court, the appointed committee has met and prepared resolutions, herein set forth and respectfully submitted:

Sidney Dale Furst, Jr. was horn September 5, 1904 in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. His father, Sidney Dale Furst, was a lawyer, and his grandfather, Cline G. Furst, was a lawyer before him. Dale was proud of the fact that he and his forebears had continuously practiced law in this area for over one hundred years. He was graduated from The Hill School in 1922, Princeton University in 1926, and from Harvard Law School in 1929. He immediately became associated with Seth T. McCormick, Jr., and was admitted to the Bar of Lycoming County on September 10, 1929. In 1936 the firm of McCormick, Herdic and Furst was formed, and after the deaths of Seth F. McCormick, Jr. and Carl W. Herdic, a new firm was organized which today is known as the firm of Furst, McCormick, Lynn, Reeder & Nichols, and of which firm Dale was a partner until his death on July 9, 1969.

He is survived by his wife, Ruth K. Furst; four daughters: Carolin F. Carlson, Margaretta F. Stewart, Barbara L. Johnstone, Susan L. Maioio, and a son, Sidney D. Furst III.

Dale became a very prominent member of the local and Pennsylvania Bars, and was widely known throughout the State. His activities and honors in his profession and his welfare activities were so numerous that they cannot all be mentioned here. Their extent will be indicated by the following.

He was President of the Lycoming County Bar Association in 1943. He was currently the chairman of the Ethics Committee of that Bar, he was Vice Chairman of the Civil Procedural Rules Committee of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; a member of the Federal Civil Procedural Rules Advisory Committee for the Third Circuit; a member of the Judicial Conference of the Third Circuit; a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and chairman of the Pennsylvania Bar Committee on the Integrated Bar.

In his welfare activities he was the campaign chairman for the former Lycoming County Community Chest and two years its President. He was an organizer of Lycoming United Fund, its first President and received its Red Feather Award in 1956. He was a past President of the Pennsylvania United Fund, the honorary chairman of its Board, and received their award; President of the American Social Health Association; a director of the Council on Foundations, and past President of the United Community Funds & Councils of America. He received the Presidential United Defense Fund Citation in 1955. He received the Grit Award for out standing community service in 1956. He was Chairman of The Williamsport Foundation, and a director of Lycoming College. He was a former member of the board of the Williamsport School District.

Dale was an outstanding sportsman.  He was an early organizer of the Consolidated Sportsmen of Lycoming County and its president for several years. He was a past President of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, and was named the Pennsylvania Sportsman of the Year in 1952. He was a member of the New York and Philadelphia Anglers’ Clubs, and the London Flyfishers’ Club, London, England. He was a member of three hunting and fishing clubs in this area, and part owner of a fishing camp on the Miramichi.

He was a member of the John F. Laedlein Lodge Free and Accepted Mason No. 707, and the Williamsport Consistory. He was a member of the Great Island Presbyterian Church in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.

We therefore offer the following resolutions for adoption as a minute of this Court:

BE IT RESOLVED that, on the death of Sidney Dale Furst, Jr., the Bar of Lycoming County has lost an able lawyer, the community and his country a valued citizen, and his family a loving member.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of this Court, and that a copy thereof be sent to Mrs. Furst and Mr. Furst’s children.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

H. Clay McCormick
Michael I. Maggio
John C. Youngman, Sr.
Clyde F. Williamson
Harry R. Gibson
Allen P. Page, Jr.