Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: John Barbe Cupp (1906—75)

Posted on March 5th, 1975 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: John Barbe Cupp (1906—75)

John Barbe Cupp, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died March 5, 1975. 

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County, No. 75-0808.

In the matter of the death of John Barbe Cupp.

To The Honorable, The Judges of The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County:

Pursuant to the Order of this Court, the appointed committee has met and prepared resolutions, herein set forth and respectfully submitted:

JOHN BARBE CUPP was born May 13, 1906, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, the son of John E. Cupp, Esquire, and Anna B. Barbe Cupp. His father was a distinguished member of this Bar and one of its leading trial attorneys from 1929 until his death in 1943.

John Barbe Cupp received his early education in the public schools of the City of Williamsport and his secondary school education at Lower Merion High School and Williston Academy. He was graduated in 1930 from St. John’s University, Annapolis, Maryland, with a Degree of Bachelor of Arts. He attended Harvard Law School for a time following which he completed his legal education by reading law in Philadelphia in the office of David Kinley, and was admitted to the Bar in 1935.

Upon his admission to the Bar, Mr. Cupp began the practice of law in Lycoming County in association with his father, John E. Cupp. Following the death of his father, he formed a partnership with Clyde E. Williamson, Esquire, and they for many years practiced together under the firm name of Williamson & Cupp. Mr. Cupp, although in failing health for the past two years, continued in the practice of law until two weeks before his death which occurred on March 5, 1975, in the Williamsport Hospital.

Mr. Cupp first married Ann Tardy (who predeceased him) of Annapolis, Maryland, who bore him three children: John E. Cupp, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Margaret A. Appel of Hannibal, Missouri, and William G. Cupp of San Francisco, California.

His second wife, the former Pendred Lego, bore him one child, a daughter, Mrs. Mercy Smith of Williamstown, New Jersey.

John Barbe Cupp, more solicitor than barrister, for many years enjoyed an active practice, specializing in real estate, commercial, and probate law. To many of his professional brethren he exhibited a cold, disdainful demeanor. But to the few who knew him best, this was only a facade beneath which lay a fine sense of humor. Widely read and possessed of keen wit, Mr. Cupp in any social context easily held center stage, delighting his companions from his inexhaustible store of anecdotes, and holding their attention with his charm.

At Mr. Cupp’s request, often repeated to the Chairman of this Committee during his lifetime, no memorial meeting of the Lycoming Law Association will be held.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That through the death of John Barbe Cupp the Bar of Lycoming County and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has lost an able member; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be, spread at length upon the minutes of the Court of Lycoming County and that copies thereof be sent to members of his family.


Alfred Jackson
Harry C. Fithian, Jr.
Bernard J. Meyer
Seth McCormick Lynn, Chairman