Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Nathan W. Stuart (1915-93)

Posted on March 21st, 1993 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Nathan W. Stuart (1915-93)

Nathan W. Stuart, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died in 1993.  A memorial service was held by the court on March 25, 1993.

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court Of Common Pleas Of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania NO: 93-00489




The Committee appointed by your Honorable Court to prepare Resolutions concerning the death of NATHAN W. STUART, Esquire, reports as follows:

Nathan W. Stuart was born on November 1, 1915, in Williamsport, PA, the only child of Charles B. Stuart and Mae E. Shaw Stuart.

Following his graduation from Williamsport High School in 1933, and after studying violin at Dickinson Seminary for one year, he graduated from Williamsport Junior College (now Lycoming College) in 1936, and from Dickinson College, Carlisle, in 1938, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He graduated from Dickinson School of Law in 1941 with a Juris Doctor degree. He entered the United States Army in February, 1942, as a Private. He served in North Africa and Italy during World War II, and was honorably discharged in February, 1946, with the rank of Captain.

While in the Armed Forces, Nate married the former Jean Otto, on September 7, 1942. Three daughters were born to this marriage, Mary Louise Ewing, Patricia A. Rolley, and Janice E. Kachoogian, and one son, Charles N. Stuart. There are 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Nathan and Jean observed their 50th wedding anniversary this past September 7.

Nathan W. Stuart served his law clerkship with Thomas Wood, Sr., father of our own Thomas Wood. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1942, was a member of the Lycoming County Law Association, and the Pennsylvania and American Bar Associations. He served as President of the Lycoming Law Association in 1957. Nate was admitted to practice before all of the Appellate Courts of PA, as well as the U.S. District Court, Middle District of PA, and the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

Following his return from the service in 1946, Nate practiced in offices at 41 W Third Street, across from the courthouse, until approximately 1953, when he and Thomas Wood became associates in the Susquehanna Trust Building at 120 W Fourth Street. He and Thomas Wood practiced together until Bertram S. Murphy joined them in 1955. They continued at that same location until 1962, when they purchased 161 W. Third Street, across from the Lycoming County jail, at which time the Law Firm of Wood, Stuart & Murphy was formed.

In 1964, when Thomas Wood went on the bench, Nate and Bert were joined by Henry C. Hager and Clinton W. Smith, and on August 6, 1966, the firm of Stuart, Murphy, Hager & Smith was formed. Nate practiced with that firm and successor firms at that location, until January of 1981. In January, 1981, Nate associated with Robert C. Wise, practicing at 17 W. Fourth Street, until April 1, 1984, when he and Mr. Wise moved to 25W. Third Street, where Nathan W. Stuart was actively engaged in the practice of law until his death on Sunday, March 21, 1993.

Nathan W. Stuart’s professional career was outstanding. An able advocate of unquestionable integrity, he was noted for his firm and effective representation of his clients, and commitment of their cause. He enjoyed an excellent relationship with the Court and with all of the members of the Bar.

Of particular note was Nate’s able and arduous representation of, and counsel to, the Williamsport School District for more than 25 years, many of which were difficult and stressful years for the District. He served as Solicitor for the Williamsport Area Community College, from the time of its creation in 1964, through 1984. He served as Solicitor for the BLaST Intermediate 17 from the time of its inception. Nate was an acknowledged expert in the field of school law.

All the while, in addition to maintaining a busy law practice, he participated as a volunteer and leader of some of this area’s most important social agencies, and for this service he gained much well-deserved recognition. His achievements and unflagging labors helped make Williamsport and Lycoming County a better community in which to live.

Nate served on the board of directors of Hope Enterprises for 28 years, and was Chairman of the Board in 1989 and 1990. He received the Hope Enterprises Meritorious Service Award in 1979. In the entire history of Hope Enterprises, only 7 persons, including Nate, have been so honored. He served as President of the Lycoming United Way in 1961, and as its Campaign Chairman in 1963. He was the recipient of the United Fund Award in 1959. In 1969, Nate helped to create “Neighbors of Lycoming County Inc.”

The Greater Williamsport Jaycees named Nate as their “Young Man of the Year in 1949, and he received the prestigious Grit Award for Meritorious Community Service in 1962. He served as President of the local branch of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind, as well as President of Family & Children Services of Lycoming County. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Young Men’s Christian Association.

Currently a member emeritus of the Board of Directors of Lycoming College, Nate served on the College Board of Trustees for more than 30 years, was named Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees in 1978, and had served as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the College.

A man of deep religious conviction and faith, Nate was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church, where he served as a licensed Lay Leader, and Chalice Bearer. He served on the church Vestry for many years, and attended 8 General Conventions of the National Episcopal Church as a Lay Deputy, between 1964 and 1985. He served for 20 years as Chancellor of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania.

A lifelong Republican, Nate was active in Lycoming County politics, and served as Parliamentarian to the Lycoming County Republican Committee for a great number of years.

Long active in Masonic organizations, Nate was a member of the John F. Laedlein Lodge 707, F&AM, and served as Lodge Master in 1972. In 1976, he received his honorary 33rd degree, the highest honor in Free Masonry. He was a Past Commander-in-Chief of the Williamsport Consistory and was serving as Chairman of its Board of Trustees at the time of his death.

Nate was a member of all the York Rite Bodies and served as Most Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix in 1976. He was a member of the Williamsport Shrine Club, Howard Club, Irem Temple, Wilkes-Barre, PA, Lycoming Chapter, National Sojourners, and of the Captain John Brady Camp, Heroes of ‘76.

With Nate’s death on March 21, 1993, his family has lost a devoted and loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grand father, his clients have lost an able and ardent advocate, the Courts have lost a worthy and trusted officer, and the community has lost an outstanding leader and citizen.

Your committee recommends adoption of the following Resolutions:

BE IT RESOLVED that in the passing of Nathan W. Stuart, there has been a loss to the Bar of Lycoming County of an outstanding member who represented and stood for the highest principles of the legal profession, a loss to the community of a contributing, valued and unselfish leader, a loss to his family of a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and a loss to his friends and acquaintances of a loyal, true and gentle manly companion.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these Resolutions be spread upon the records of this Court, and that copies of the same be sent to his widow, and his three daughters.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Court and its Bar do hereby extend to his widow, Jean, his children, Mary Louise, Patty, and Janice, and Charlie, and his Grandchildren and great-grandchild, a deep and heartfelt expression of sympathy.




AND NOW this 25th day of March, 1993, in consideration of the Resolutions presented by the Committee appointed to draft Resolutions in the death of Nathan W Stuart, Esquire, the said Resolutions are adopted and it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that the Resolutions herewith submitted and attached be adopted as an official expression of the Lycoming County Bar Association and this Court, and that the same be spread upon the records of the Court; and that copies of this Resolution be delivered to the wife, son and three daughters of Nathan W. Stuart; and it is further ORDERED and DIRECTED that said Resolution be entered at large upon the record of the Court, and that it be printed in the Lycoming Reporter.

By The Court,