Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Harry R. Gibson (1905 - 97)

Posted on July 11th, 1997 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Harry R. Gibson (1905 - 97)

Harry R. Gibson, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died in 1997.

A memorial service was held by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County on July 11, 1997.  

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court Of Common Pleas Of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania NO: 97-00991

IN RE: Appointment of a Committee to draft Resolution in the death of HARRY R. GIBSON, ESQUIRE



The Committee appointed by Your Honorable Court to prepare Resolutions concerning the death of Harry Roman Gibson, reports as follows:

1. Harry Roman Gibson graduated from Williamsport High School in 1924, a classmate of my mother, Ruth Youngman.

2. On May 14, 1932 he married the former Margaret Lundy who predeceased him on August 29, 1991.

3. Indeed, his life was marked by tragedy in that his two children, Henry Alden Gibson & Margaret Gibson Murray, also predeceased him as did his brother, Stuart, and his three sisters, Louise, Josephine and Jane.

4. It is all the more remarkable then that his life was devoted to giving to others, which he did in abundance. As a part of the history of Williamsport, Harry long will be remembered for his tireless devotion to the growth of the community.

When the call went out for city improvements or charitable service, he met the challenges head-on. Of particular interest to him was Williamsport Hospital. A member of its board of managers since 1951 and president of the board of trustees for many years, he was a dominant force behind the growth of the hospital.

During his tenure, a rehabilitation center bearing his name, a nurses' residence and a psychiatric treatment center were added.

5. Perhaps the medical facilities of this community were part of his genes. His father, Harry A. Gibson, in the 1930's, left $50,000.00 in his will for establishment of a "contagious ward" for the hospital.

6. Unbelievably, the city was opposed to such a facility, but Harry and his twin brother, Stuart, a physician, persevered and finally gained the cooperation of the city. The ward was later converted to the Way Memorial Clinic in honor of J. Roman Way, the elder Gibson's brother-in-law. In 1961, the $1.5 million four-story Nurses Residence was built and, in 1962, the Psychiatric Treatment Center. In 1969, a four-story, 80-bed Rehabilitation Center was completed as part of the hospital's $5.5 million overall development program.

In addition, Harry served as director and counsel for the Industrial Properties Corporation. During his tenure, he was instrumental with many others in establishing 20 area industries and the expansion of 30 others, which created about 4,000 new jobs for this area.

7. Harry was a longtime advisory board member of the Williamsport Home, served on the YMCA board of trustees; was director of the Lycoming County chapter of the American Red Cross; president of the Lycoming Welfare Council and chairman of the 1940 Community Chest campaign, forerunners of the Lycoming United Way, and, not least, a board member of Northern Central Bank and corporate counsel and counsel for the trust department of Northern Central Bank.

8. Harry received the Grit Award for Meritorious Achievement Citation; the 26th Annual Brotherhood Award of the local chapter of National Conference of Christian and Jews; and the Lycoming United Way Award.

9. Even the practice of law became the means for him to achieve donations for charitable purposes which will continue to benefit many succeeding generations. For instance, he was instrumental in persuading James Graham to bequeath much of his estate to the Williamsport Foundation what is now the Williamsport-Lycoming Foundation and the Graham-Trust is, at the present time, the largest single unit of the Foundation.

10. To those with whom he practiced, including me for some 35 years, until he was no longer able to practice in 1991, Harry was a generous spirit, and a good friend whose thoughtfulness for others will long be remembered.

11. Harry was especially devoted to his family and his grandchildren, including Edward Murray, a graduate of Harvard Law School and present here today as a member of this committee, together with his grandson, Hans Gibson. The grandchildren made many visits to this area to see grandfather and grandmother. You'll be hearing from Eddie shortly.

12. Harry served his country during World War II in the Navy and upon completion of the War, returned to the practice of law in Williamsport with John Candor and my father.

13. Harry devoted much of his time to estate work and to tax work and he and I had many occasions for vociferous advocacy and for bouncing ideas off one another.

14. He is survived by his grandchildren, Edward Murray, now of London, England, Hans Gibson, of New York City, Patrick Murray, Ellen Millhollon and Malia Murray, who live in Maryland. In addition, he has five great-grandchildren.

15. When one wanted to discuss a tax question or to obtain information concerning a charitable endeavor, Harry Gibson was the man to consult.

16. It is no wonder that the Rehabilitation Center, of which he was so proud, was named for him.

17. This community is a much better place for his having been here and lived his life here. We mourn his passing, but as an icon for the generations, he will be here in spirit.

Respectfully submitted,

John C. Youngman, Jr.
John C. Gault
Joseph L. Rider
William H. Askey
Edward Murray (Attorney/and Grandson of Harry R. Gibson)


AND NOW, this 11th day of July, 1997, in consideration of the Resolution presented by the Committee appointed to draft Resolutions in the death of Harry Roman Gibson, Esquire, the said Resolution is adopted and it is hereby ORDERED AND DECREED that the Resolution herewith submitted and attached be adopted as an official expression of the Lycoming Law Association and this Court, and that the same be spread upon the records of the Court; and that copies of this Resolution be delivered to the grandchildren of Harry R. Gibson; and it is further ORDERED AND DIRECTED that the said Resolution be entered at large upon the record of the Court, and that it be published in the Lycoming Reporter.


Clinton W. Smith, P.J.
Kenneth D. Brown, J.
William S. Kieser, J.
Nancy L. Butts, J.
Charles F. Greevy, Sr. J.
Thomas C. Raup, Sr. J.