Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Robert Frederick Banks (1920 - 84)

Posted on April 18th, 1984 at 1:56 PM
In Memoriam: Robert Frederick Banks (1920 - 84)

Robert Frederick Banks, a  member of the Lycoming Law Association, died on April 18, 1984. A special memorial session of court was held on April 25, 1984.

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County, Docket No. 84-00825.

IN RE: Appointment of a Committee to draft Resolutions in the death of ROBERT F. BANKS, Esquire



On the 19th day of April, 1984, The Honorable Thomas C. Raup, President Judge of the 29th Judicial District of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, made an Order appointing a Resolutions Committee to draft an appropriate resolution memorializing the life of ROBERT FREDERICK BANKS, Esquire, and to submit the draft of that resolution to the Court on Wednesday, April 25, 1984, at 4:00 P.M.

The Committee submits for the Court's consideration the following resolution:

ROBERT FREDERICK BANKS, Esquire, died on April 18, 1984, and it is with deep sorrow that the Court and the Lycoming County Bar has received the announcement of his death.

ROBERT FREDERICK BANKS was born in Newark, New Jersey, on July 8, 1920. He was the son of Edward L. Banks and Fala Kleh Banks.

ROBERT FREDERICK BANKS attended the public schools of New Jersey and graduated from Milford High School in 1938.

Upon his graduation from high school he attended the University of Pittsburgh for two years and, thereafter, went into the service with the Army Air Corps and while in the service, completed his college education. He was demobilized. from the service in 1946, having attained the rank of Captain. In 1949, he completed law school at the University of Pennsylvania and was admitted to practice in Allegheny County.

Immediately upon his admission to the practice of law, he became associated with the firm of Reed., Smith, Shaw & McClay, with whom he served until 1958. Thereafter, he entered private practice in Greenville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, and stayed a private practitioner until 1964, when he became an assistant district attorney for Mercer County until 1976. It was while he was an assistant district attorney that he made the acquaintanceship of Allen Ertel and during his association with Allen, received an invitation to join the district attorney's staff in Lycoming County which he did in 1976. He served as first assistant district attorney for Lycoming County until 1981, when he retired.

ROBERT FREDERICK BANKS, Esquire, was qualified to practice law before all of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and, in addition, he was also a member of the Lycoming Law Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Mr. Banks was an avid fisherman and his only other hobby was the law. He devoted many early morning hours to preparing digests of the latest appellate court decisions, circulating them among others members of the office and lawyers interested in defense. During this period he earned the respect of the criminal defense bar for his expertise in the criminal justice system and the knowledge he displayed in trial techniques.

On the 10th day of March, 1942, Robert F. Banks married the former Mary F. Allen and at the time of his death was survived by his widow and four daughters, Mrs. Ann Zawacki, of Bradford, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Nancy Ibbs, of Warren, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ellen Auchter and Mrs. Jane Baker, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and nine grandchildren.

As a result of the untimely death of Robert Frederick Banks, Esquire, his family has lost a loved and devoted. member. The Courts and the County have lost a learned officer, the community an effective servant and society a contributing member. Robert Frederick Banks was a lawyer's lawyer and his professional attributes earned for him the respect of all he met and his friends were many and firm.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that through the death of Robert Frederick Banks, Esquire, the Bar of Lycoming County has lost an able and respected member: and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of the Court, copies thereof be sent to his widow, his children, and be published in the Lycoming Reporter.

AND IT IS ALSO RESOLVED: that this Court and its Bar do hereby extend to his widow, his children and his grandchildren, a deep and heartfelt expression of sympathy in this Resolution.

Respectfully submitted:



AND NOW, this 25th day of April, 1984, in consideration of the Resolution presented by the Committee appointed to draft Resolutions in the death of Robert F. Banks, Esquire, the said Resolution is adopted and it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that the Resolution herewith submitted and attached be adopted as an official expression of the Lycoming County Bar Association and this Court, and that the flame be spread upon the records of the Court; and that copies of this Resolution be delivered to the wife and daughters of Robert F. Banks; and it is further ORDERED and DECREED that said Resolution be entered at large upon the record of the Court, and that it be printed in the Lycoming Reporter.
