Memorializing Our Deceased Members

In Memoriam: Spencer W. Hill (1908—63)

Posted on January 7th, 1963 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Spencer W. Hill (1908—63)

Spencer W. Hill, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died January 7, 1963.

Read the memorial resolutions:

C. P. Lycoming County, No. 553 November Term, 1962. In the matter of the death of Spencer W. Hill, Esquire, a member of the Bar of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.


To the honorable, the Judges of the Said Court:

Pursuant to the Order of this Court the appointed committee has met and prepared resolutions, herein set forth and respectfully submitted:

Spencer W. Hill was admitted to the Bar of the several Courts in Lycoming County on the seventh day of May, 1934, upon the motion of Clarence L. Peaslee, Esquire.

On the second day of March, 1943, by appointment of Governor Edward R. Martin, Spencer W. Hill was made a Judge of the several Courts of Lycoming County, in which capacity he served until the first Monday of January, 1944. Thereafter Mr. Hill resumed his practice of law.  His very sudden and untimely death on Monday night, January 7, 1963, has so profoundly shocked the minds of all of us that it is with great difficulty we express our sorrow.  Measured in years, his life was comparatively short, yet it was so worthwhile that we must wish to preserve something of what we know, think and feel about him in this hour.

He was born in the City of Williamsport in this County on March 2, 1908, the son of H. Donald Hill and Tillie Hill. He was named and baptized Spencer Willits Hill, II.

He attended primary, grade school and high school in the City of Williamsport. He attended Bucknell University from which he was graduated in 1950. He attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School from which he was graduated in 1933. Upon his graduation from Law School he served his clerkship with Clarence L. Peaslee, Esquire.

After serving his clerkship with Mr. Peaslee, Mr. Hill opened his office in the Williamsport National Bank Building where he continued to maintain his office until his elevation to the Bench.

In March, 1935 he was united in marriage with Miss Olive Fetterman. As a result of this marriage there were born the following children : Ann Eastman, Irene Mnick, and Spencer W. Hill, III,

His outstanding ability as a lawyer and as a Judge was recognized alike by the Bench and Bar and the public. The evenness of his temper, his unfailing courtesy, his consideration for others, his inherent and innate honesty and integrity at all times characterized his conduct in the court room, in his office and in his association with his clients, his friends, and his employees.

It would not be possible to see the completeness of this man’s life without a consideration of his thoroughly kind and happy disposition in his role of father of two daughters and one son. This attribute was clearly portrayed, and was, with certainty, born of great love and affection.

Your committee desires to outline briefly other aspects of Mr. Hill’s career which merit recording.

He was vitally interested in the Republican Party of the city, county and state and of the nation. From the time that he was admitted to the Bar until the date of his death, he was actively engaged in the politics of the Republican Party and this party honored him by appointing him to the offices of Assistant District Attorney, Judge, Deputy Attorney General, and Solicitor for the Commissioners of Lycoming County.

Mr. Hill was a member of the Pine Street Methodist Church and on its Board of Trustees. This church was one of the leading interests of his life.

Mr. Hill was a member of the several Masonic bodies of the City of Williamsport, he was a Past President of the Lycoming County Law Association, Past President of the Greater Williamsport Chamber of Commerce, Solicitor for the Board of Trustees of the Y. W. C. A., and was a member of the Elbow Fish & Game Club. Mr. Hill was also a member of the Lycoming County Law Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and the American Bar Association, as well as the Ross Club.

We therefore offer the following resolution for adoption as a minute of this Court.

BE IT RESOLVED that in the death of the Honorable W. Hill the Bar of Lycoming County has lost an able lawyer, the community a valuable citizen, the church a devoted Christian and his family a loving member.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions he spread at length upon the minutes of this Court, and that a copy thereof he sent to Mrs. Hill, Ann Eastman, Irene Mnick, and Spencer W. Hill, III,

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Harry Alvan Baird
Frederick F. Dietrick
Malcolm Muir
Clyde Williamson


And Now, to-wit, this ninth day of January, 1963, agreeably to the notice heretofore given, a large number of the members of the Bar of Lycoming County, including friends from this and other counties, met in the Court House, at ten o’clock A M., at which meeting the resolutions attached hereto were presented by the committee appointed for this purpose. Upon the reading of this Report it was moved and carried that the resolutions hereunto attached be adopted as the expression of the Bar of Lycoming County and the same to be spread upon the minutes of the Court. Following this action several tributes expressing the affection and appreciation of the character and ability of Spencer W. Hill were paid by members of the Lycoming County Bar.

BE IT THEREFORE ORDERED that said minute be entered at length upon the minutes of the Court and that a certified copy of the same, under the seal of this Court, be presented to the family of the deceased.