2005 Annual Meeting Highlights
The 2005 annual meeting of the Lycoming Law Association took place in the jury assembly room at the Lycoming County Court House on January 11, 2005. At the meeting, the members elected officers, heard reports and approved a budget.
Elected president was Norman Luban of the Casale and Bonner law firm. He accepted the president's clock from outgoing president Jack Humphry. The other officers elected were president elect, Craig L. Harris; secretary, John P. Pietrovito; and, treasurer Tammy L. Taylor. Members of the executive committee were approved as follows: Richard A. Gahr, Joy Reynolds McCoy, Jonathan E. Butterfield and John R. Zurich.
The members approved a motion to transfer of $25,000 in surplus funds to the Lycoming Law Association Foundation; specifically to be transferred as follows: $15,000 to the endowment, and $10,000 to the newly created Community Activities Fund. Also approved was a motion to approve the donation of $5,000 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association in honor of its incoming President, our own William P. Carlucci.
Reports of the various committees were given verbally. Links to copies of all the reports follow.
The Lycoming Law Association Foundation meeting took place after the annual meeting adjourned The highlight was the approval of new by-laws.
Lycoming Law Association Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of 2004 meeting
- President's report - John Humphrey
- Executive Director Report - Jessica Engel
- Nominating - William Askey
- Bench Bar Committee - C. Edward S. Mitchell
- Bar History Committee - Charles F. Greevy, III
- Customs and Rules - Gary Weber
- Real Estate - Fred Holland
- Web site - Gary Weber
- Strategic Planning - John Humphrey
- Law Day - Jonathan Butterfield
- Social - Thomas Waffenschmidt
- Financial - Balance Sheet - Profit and Loss Statement
- Budget
- Lycoming Law Foundation - Joseph Campagna
- Legal Services for the Indigent - John Humphrey
- Pro Bono Report - Joseph Campagna