Annual Meeting 2006
Craig Harris was unanimously elected to a one year term as president of the Lycoming Law Association at the annual meeting of the Association on Monday, January 9, 2006. He succeeds Norm Lubin. Joining President Harris on the Executive Committee are President Elect John Pietrovito, Secretary Richard Gahr, Treasurer Tammy Taylor and at-large Executive Committee members, Joy McCoy, Jonathan Butterfield, John Zurich and Charles Brace. Immediate Past President Lubin will continue to serve on the committee.
In other action, the members approved the 2006 budget as well as the financial statements from 2005. Treasurer Taylor reported that the Association is in good financial condition, and in fact added to the surplus in 2005, despite the establishment of the Executive Director position and substantial contributions to the LLA Foundation.
Outgoing President Lubin reported to the membership on his very active term. The significant goal of providing local continuing legal education has commenced and the LLA is sponsoring monthly lunch and learn sessions. The LLA Foundation has begun to increase its involvement in the community, assisted by the newly formed Community Activities and Outreach Committee. He also reported on the increased activity of the young lawyers division, with monthly meetings and scheduled events. The Association has fully integrated its finances with those of the Lycoming Reporter, and the Executive Director has implemented accounting programs that have reduced outside accountant costs. Finally he reported on the move to larger offices scheduled for later this year and the likely hiring of a part-time staff person.
Committee heads also reported on the activities of LLA committees. Read the President's report as well as budget and financial information and committee reports at the links below.
Lycoming Law Association Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of 2005 meeting
- President's report - Strategic Planning Committee - Norman Lubin
- Executive Director Report - Jessica Engel
- Nominating - William Askey
- Bench Bar Committee - C. Edward S. Mitchell
- Young Lawyers Division - Charles Brace
- Bar History Committee - Charles F. Greevy, III
- Fee Dispute
- Community Activities and Outreach - John Humphrey
- Education Committee - John Pietrovito
- Customs and Rules - Gary Weber
- Real Estate - Fred Holland
- Web site - Gary Weber
- Law Day - Jonathan Butterfield
- Mock Trial Competition - John Pietrovito
- Social - Thomas Waffenschmidt
- Unauthorized Practice of Law - Scott A. Williams
- Financial - Balance Sheet - Profit and Loss Statement all 2005; Dec. 2005 - Tammy L. Taylor
- Budget - Tammy L. Taylor
- Legal Services for the Indigent - John Humphrey
- Pro Bono Report - Joseph Campagna
Lycoming Law Foundation Meeting Agenda and Report
- Joseph Campagna