2021 LLA Annual Meeting Report
The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Lycoming Law Association was held on January 11. Although conducted using the Zoom application, the meeting moved as smoothly and surely as Association meetings in past years. Sadly, as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are becoming accustomed to meeting remotely.
President Angela Lovecchio opened the meeting at 4:00 PM. The minutes and financial reports were approved. These reports may be viewed by clicking on the links below, in the reports section of this page.
In her report, President Lovecchio reviewed the challenging year and discussed the issues presented to the LLA and its members. She then gave the report of the nominating committee: Don Martino nominated for President; Corey Mowrey nominated as President-elect; Jessica Harlow for Secretary; and, Liz White as treasurer. Executive Committee at-large members: Warren Baldys, Judge Joy Reynolds McCoy, Ryan Gardner and new member, Jeana Longo. All were elected by unanimous vote.
President Don Martino then presided. He began by asking for a moment of silence for members deceased in the past year: Joe Rider, Don Larrabee, Richard Callahan and Henry Perciballi. He then recognized outgoing President Angela Lovecchio. He noted that Angela refused a gift for her service, and requested the sum usually spent for a gift be donated to the LLA Foundation.
The President noted that the usual pro bono awards, public service and other such awards that are ordinarily given at the Annual Banquet will be deferred until we can again gather, hopefully at the picnic. Association members will be gathering briefly on January 25, in front of the courthouse, for the reveal of Judge Tira’s portrait and the new bar history book release.
Michele Frey and various committee chairs provided reports on the year’s activities. Finally, the yearly budget was approved. The meeting adjourned.
The Lycoming Law Association Foundation meeting followed. President Arbuckle presided. Reports of LLAF activities and financials were reviewed and approved.
In new business, the Board recommended a revision to the bylaws that would increase the Board size to 9 members. The new Board will include the LLA President and President-elect as voting members. This revision passed.
The nominating committee then reported nominations for the newly enlarged board: William Arbuckle III, Paul Roman, Fred Holland, Robin Read, Donald F. Martino (LLA President), Corey J. Mowrey (LLA President Elect), Sean P. Gingerich, Nicole M. Ippolito, and Julieanne E. Steinbacher.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Lycoming Law Association 2021 Annual Meeting Agenda & Reports
The agenda and reports of the officers and commiittees are available at the links below.
- Agenda
- Minutes of 2019 meeting - Secretary Corey Mowrey
- President's report- Angela Lovecchio
- Executive Director Report - Michele Frey
- Nominating - Angela Lovecchio
- Bench Bar Committee - C. Edward S. Mitchell
- Young Lawyers Division - Taylor Beucler
- Bar History - Charles F. Greevy, III
- Fee Dispute - Mike Collins
- Community Activities and Outreach - Tammy Weber
- Criminal Law - Robert Hoffa
- Civil Law - Brian Bluth
- Education - John Pietrovito
- Elder, Estate, and Probate Law Committee - Elizabeth White
- Family Law - Christina L. Dinges
- Customs and Rules - Gary Weber
- Real Estate - Marc Drier
- Technology Committee and Web Site - Gary Weber
- Law Day - Hon Christian Frey
- Mock Trial Competition - John Pietrovito
- Financial - Balance Sheet - Profit and Loss Statement for 2020 (requires password)
- Budget - Don Martino (requires password)
- Legal Services for the Indigent - John Pietrovito
- Pro Bono Report - Jennifer L. Heverly
- Public Relations - Michele Frey
- Social - Jessica Harlow
- Unauthorized Practice of Law - Scott A. Williams
Lycoming Law Association Foundation Agenda & Reports
- Agenda - Hon. William Arbuckle III
- Nominating - Angela Lovecchio
- Minutes
- Annual Report - Financials
- Proposed By-law Amendment