Executive Director Position Added
At the 2004 annual meeting, the LLA membership approved the hiring of a part-time executive director. The search process for the position has begun, with ads running in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette and other local publications. In choosing its first Executive Director, the LLA will be looking for a unique individual who has the experience, skills, and personal characteristics to manage and assist in directing the affairs of the Lycoming Law Association and to serve the approximately 175 attorney members of the organization.
Other annual meeting notes: Jack Humphrey was elected President and Norm Lubin President Elect. Rounding out the Executive Committee are Secretary - John Pietrovito, Treasurer - Craig Harris, Executive Committee - Tammy Taylor, Richard Gahr, Joy Reynolds McCoy & Jonathan Butterfield, and Immediate Past President Gary Weber. The budget and committee reports have been posted, see links below.
- President's report - Gary Weber
- Bench Bar Committee - C. Edward S. Mitchell
- Bar History Committee - Charles F. Greevy, III
- Customs and Rules - Gary Weber
- Real Estate - Fred Holland
- Web site - Gary Weber
- Strategic Planning
- Law Day - Jonathan Butterfield
- Financial
- Budget
- Lycoming Law Foundation - Joseph Campagna
- Legal Services for the Indigent - John Humphrey
- Pro Bono Report - Joseph Campagna