In Memoriam: Allen Perley Page, Jr. (1923—75)

Posted on October 3rd, 1975 at 9:39 PM
In Memoriam: Allen Perley Page, Jr. (1923—75)

Allen Perley Page, Jr., a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died October 3, 1975.  A memorial service was held by the court.

Read the memorial resolutions:


In the matter of the death of Allen P. Page, Jr.

To The Honorable, The Judges of The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County:

Pursuant to the Order of this Court the appointed committee has met and prepared resolutions herein set forth and respectfully submitted.

Allen P. Page, Jr. was admitted to the Bar of the several Courts of Lycoming County on the 20th day of December, 1949, upon the motion of Joseph M. McNerney, Esquire.

Allen P. Page, Jr. actively engaged in the practice of law from the day of his admission until 1974 when he became incapacitated by his long illness which finally resulted in his untimely death on Friday, October 3, 1975. His death, although expected, has profoundly shocked the minds of all of us and it is with great difficulty that we express our sorrow. Measured in years, his life was comparatively short, yet it was so worthwhile that we must wish to preserve something of what we know and think and feel about him in this hour.

He was born in the City of Williamsport in this County on September 5, 1923, the son of Allen P. Page and Ruth Gleason Page. He was named and baptized Allen Perley Page, Jr.

Joseph M. McNerney, Esquire, was his preceptor.

He began his practice of law in the City of Williamsport in 1949. On the 19th day of December, 1949, Allen P. Page, Jr., Esquire became associated with Joseph M. McNerney, and on August 1, 1951 they formed a partnership known as McNerney & Page. When O. William Vanderlin joined the firm, the name was changed to McNerney, Page & Vanderlin and the offices of the law firm were moved from the Williamsport National Bank Building on Pine Street to its present location at 433 Market Street, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Subsequently, T. Max Hall joined the firm and the name was changed to McNerney, Page, Vanderlin & Hall.  At the present time other members of the law firm are George V. Cohen, Charles J. McKelvey and William R. Tait, Jr.

He was united in marriage with Grace Haynes on August 21, 1948 in Salisbury, North Carolina and then they moved to reside in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Besides his beloved wife, there were two children, Allen and Peggy.

As a lawyer, he was a lawyer’s lawyer and all of the members of the Lycoming Law Association recognized his outstanding ability as an attorney. At all times, Allen P. Page Jr. displayed an evenness of temper, an unfailing courtesy and consideration to others. He possessed an inherent and innate honesty and integrity in his association with clients, friends, other attorneys and employees. As a lawyer, he accepted the duties and responsibilities of the Lycoming Law Association. He was active in the Lycoming Law Association arid served a term as its President. During the term as President, he was diligent in his efforts to make the Lycoming Law Association better in every respect.

In every phase of life, whether we regard him as a lawyer, a citizen or a family man, this Bar and this Community has sustained a great loss by his death.

He was an active member of the Christ Episcopal Church, of which he was a former Vestryman and Senior Warden. During his lifetime, he was active in Diocesan affairs and a member of the Standing Committee of the Dioceses of Central Pennsylvania. He believed and practiced tithing and capably performed during his entire life every position of responsibility for his Church.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Family and Children Services of Lycoming County and of the School of Hope.

He was a Director of the Clarkson Chemical Company, Solicitor of the Williamsport Redevelopment Authority and an Examiner for the Civil Service Commission.

He was a member of the Lycoming Law Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and the American Bar Association.

We therefore offer the following resolutions for adoption as a minute of this Court:

BE IT RESOLVED that on the death of Allen P. Page, Jr. the Bar of Lycoming County has lost an able lawyer, the community has lost a valuable citizen, the Church a devoted Christian, and his family a loving member.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of this Court and a copy thereof be sent to Mrs. Grace Page, Allen P. Page, III, Margaret Page Redka, and Ruth G. Page.

Respectfully submitted:

J. Neafie Mitchell
Robert C. Wise
Richard H. Roesgen
Henry G. Hager, 3rd
O. William Vanderlin, Chairman