In Memoriam: Seth McCormick Lynn (1913-1984)

Posted on August 19th, 1984 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Seth McCormick Lynn (1913-1984)

Seth McCormick Lynn, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died August 19, 1984.  A memorial service was held by the court on August 27, 1984.

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County.

IN RE: Appointment of a Committee to draft Resolutions in the death of SETH McCORMICK LYNN, Esquire, and the setting of a time for a meeting of the Bar because of said death



On the 21st day of August, 1984, the Honorable THOMAS C. RAUP, President Judge of the 29th Judicial District of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, made an Order appointing a Resolutions Committee to draft an appropriate resolution memorializing the life of SETH McCORMICK LYNN, Esquire and to submit the draft of that resolution to the Court on Monday, August 27, 1984, at 4:00 p.m. in Courtroom No. 1 in the Lycoming County Court House, Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

The Committee submits for the Court’s consideration the following resolution:

SETH McCORMICK LYNN died on August 19, 1984, and it is with profound sorrow that the Court and the Lycoming County Bar have received the announcement of his death.

Seth McCormick Lynn was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on December 7, 1913, He was the son of Thomas Herbert Lynn and Myra McCormick Lynn and was one of three children born of that marriage. His brother; Thomas Herbert Lynn, Jr., died in 1943. His sister, Isabelle Lynn, resides in Goose Prairie, Washington.

Seth McCormick Lynn attended the public schools of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and attended the private elementary school conducted by Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, now known as Lycoming College. He then attended Andover Academy and was graduated from that school in 1931. Mr. Lynn then was admitted to Yale University which he attended for one year. At the end of that year, he was forced to leave for economic reasons, this country then being in the depth of the great depression. He then became employed in the law office of Seth T. McCormick, Jr., as a clerk where he began to “read law”. Not having a college degree, he was required to take a college equivalency examination which he passed before taking the Bar examination. He successfully passed the Bar examination and was admitted to the practice of law before the Courts of Lycoming County on April 27, 1939 upon motion of his preceptor, Seth T. McCormick, Jr. He was the last person admitted to the practice of law in this county without attending law school.

Upon Mr. Lynn’s admission, he joined a long succession of McCormicks who have practiced law before this Court with great distinction. Seth T. McCormick, Jr., Esquire, was Mr. Lynn’s first cousin once removed. His grandfather was Seth T. McCormick II, Esquire. His great uncle was Herny C. McCormick, Esquire, who practiced with Seth T. McCormick II under the firm name of H.C. and S.T. McCormick, these two latter McCormicks being sons of the original Seth T. McCormick who began the practice of law in the City of Williamsport in the early 1860’s. Mr. Lynn became a partner in the law firm of McCormick, Herdic & Furst on January 1, 1947. The partnership at that time consisted of Carl W. Herdic, Esquire, S. Dale Furst, Esquire, Henry C. McCormick, Esquire and Mr. Lynn. This partnership continued until September 1, 1949, on which date, Malcolm S. Muir became a partner in the successor firm of Furst, McCormick, Muir & Lynn. Mr. Lynn continued his practice of law with that firm and its successor firms until his retirement from the active practice of law on December 30, 1977.

During the early years of Mr. Lynn’s practice, he was privileged to practice law with Rogers K. Foster, Esquire, who was then an associate in the law offices of Seth T. McCormick, Jr., Esquire, and the successor firms until Mr. Foster’s death in 1950. By virtue of Mr. Lynn’s association with Mr. Foster, he developed a keen interest in the law of real property. Rogers K. Foster, Esquire, at that time was recognized as one of the leading authorities on that branch of the law. Early in Mr. Lynn’s practice, it became apparent that the field of practice that he enjoyed most was the practice of the law of real property and Mr. Lynn, during the course of his practice, developed an expertise in that field for which he was recognized by his colleagues at this Bar and many other Bars as an expert in that field.

Mr. Lynn was also well-known in the profession and among the business leaders of the community for his ability to express his thoughts both written and oral with precision.

The records of early title to real estate in Pennsylvania were in the land office of the Commonwealth in Harrisburg and Mr. Lynn had a complete working knowledge of the procedures of that office. In those days title searches of important properties were taken back to the proprietors of Pennsylvania.

Most of Mr. Lynn’s practice was devoted to real estate and commercial law.

Mr. Lynn at the time of his retirement, was a member of the Lycoming Law Association and had served as the President of that Association in 1950. He was also a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the American Bar Association.

In 1934, Mr. Lynn married the former Mary Pendred Logo, now deceased. There were three sons born of that marriage: Kenneth M. of Williamsport, Peter R, of Virginia, and Thomas H. of Williamsport, all of whom survive their father. Mr. Lynn is survived by his widow, the former Jane Krause. To this marriage one son was born: Seth McCormick Lynn, Jr., who resides in New York City. Mr. Lynn is also survived by numerous grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

As a result of the death of Seth McCormick Lynn, Esquire, his family has lost a loved and devoted member and the Courts and this Bar have lost a highly respected colleague.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that through the death of Seth McCormick Lynn, Esquire, this Bench and Bar has lost an able and respected member; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that these Resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes of the Court, copies thereof be sent to his family, and be published in the Lycoming Reporter.

AND IT ALSO RESOLVED: that this Court and its Bar extend to his family this Resolution as an expression of their sympathy.

Respectfully submitted:

CHARLES F. GREEVY, Senior Judge, 29th Judicial District
MALCOLM MUIR, District Judge, U. S. District Court, The Middle District of Pa.
H. Clay McCormick
John C. Youngman, Sr.
J. Neafie Mitchell
Joseph L. Rider
Paul W. Reeder, Chairman


AND NOW this 27th day of August, 1984, pursuant to the notice heretofore given by this Court, a large number of the members of the Lycoming Law Association, as well as family and friends, met at 4:00 p.m. on this day at which meeting the Resolution attached heretofore was presented by the Committee heretofore appointed by this Court. Upon the completion of the reading of the Resolution, and after numerous persons had spoken words of affection and praised the ability of the deceased, said Resolution was presented to the Court and it is hereby ordered and directed that the Resolution submitted is adopted as the expression of this Bar and that the same be spread at length upon the records of this Court and it is further ordered that copies of said Resolution be sent to Seth McCormick Lynn’s widow, his children and his sister, and it is further ordered that the Resolution hereby approved and adopted be printed in the Lycoming Reporter.