In Memoriam: Clyde E. Williamson (1903-87)

Posted on February 9th, 1987 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Clyde E. Williamson (1903-87)

Clyde E. Williamson, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, and former president, died on February 9, 1987.

Read the resolutions, below.

In The Court Of Common Pleas Of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania No: 87-00204


The Committee appointed by your Honorable Court to draft appropriate Resolutions upon the death of Clyde E. Williamson, Esquire, submits the following report:

Clyde E. Williamson Died February 9, 1987, at York, PA. Born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, February 7, 1903, he was the son of Leander and Annette Grow Williamson.

Education: Williamsport Public Schools; Dickinson College, 1925; Temple University Law School, L.L.B 1933.

President Lycoming Law Association, 1945.

He practiced Law in Philadelphia from 1933 to 1936. In 1936, he returned to Williamsport where he practiced Law until 1979, when he moved to York, Pennsylvania, where he practiced Law with his son-in-law Wentworth Darcy Vedder and his grandson, Clyde Williamson Vedder in the Law Firm of Morris, Vedder, and Ream until November 1986, when he retired due to his health.

Mr. Williamson was also admitted to the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Williamson was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Williamsport Area Community College from 1965 until 1973. He was the Solicitor for the Williamsport Municipal Water Authority from its inception in 1947 until he moved to York, Pennsylvania, in 1979. Similarly, he was Solicitor for the Williamsport Sanitary Authority from 1952, when it was created until he moved to York in 1979. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of York. Williamson was also a member of Texas and Blockhouse Fish and Game Club of Lycoming County. In 1962 he received the annual Lycoming United Fund Citation for outstanding achievement in Social Welfare and in 1965 he received the Grit Publishing Company Award for Meritorious Community Service. Surviving Mr. Williamson are his wife, the former Josephine Scarborough, a daughter, Mrs. Kathryn W. Vedder of York, Pa., seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Interment is in the Susquehanna Memorial Gardens in York, Pennsylvania.

It is with profound sorrow and regret that the Bench and Bar of Lycoming County have received the announcement of the death of Clyde E. Williamson.


The outstanding characteristic of this able lawyer was his civic mindedness. Clyde E. Williamson can best be described as one who loved his fellow man. His devotion to education, the welfare of the Community, religion and his interest in his fellow legal practitioners have left a memory in the Lycoming County Area that will exist for a long time to come.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the records of Lycoming County Court and be published in the Lycoming Reporter and that copies thereof be sent to the family of our deceased Brother.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that this Court and the members of its bar here extend to his Widow, his Daughter and her descendants a deep and heartfelt expression of sympathy in this the time of their earthly separation from their loved one.

Respectfully submitted,

John C, Youngman, Sr., Chairman
Joseph L. Rider
Harry C. Fithian, Jr.
Charles A. Szybist
William H. Askey

Committee of Lycoming Law Association As Appointed By The Court of Lycoming County Re the Death of Clyde E. Williamson, Esquire.