Six New Attorneys Admitted in Lycoming County

Posted on December 15th, 2012 at 12:00 AM
Six New Attorneys Admitted in Lycoming County

From Left, President Judge Nancy Butts, Judge Richard Gray, Judge Joy McCoy, Jonathan DeWald, Jason Weimann, Jessica Harlow, Neil Mahalingam, Kathryn Bellfy, Judge Dudley Anderson, Nicole Ippolito and Judge Marc Lovvechio.For a second time in 2012, the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas sat, en banc, for a special session of court at which six new attorneys were admitted.  Judges Nancy Butts, Dudley Anderson, Richard Gray, Joy McCoy and Marc Lovecchio presided over the admission of the new attorneys to practice before the “several Courts of the County of Lycoming.” 

Each of the new attorneys, Jonathan L. DeWald, Jason L. Weimann, Jessica Lynn Harlow, Neil B. Mahalingam, Kathryn E. Bellfy, and Nicole M. Ippolito, was moved for admission by a current member of the bar, who outlined the admittees' background and qualifications.

Although admission to the local courts is no longer required by law, Lycoming County has continued the tradition of an admission ceremony.  The ceremony serves several purposes:  to formally recognize the accomplishments of the newly admitted attorneys, to introduce the new faces of the bar to the legal community and to allow the Judges and Law Association officers the opportunity to introduce new attorneys to the services available to them through the Association and to offer opportunities to serve the community, as attorneys.

Kathryn E. Bellfy has joined the Lycoming County Public Defender's office, and was introduced by Kirsten Gardner. She is a graduate of Brandais University ant Temple University School of Law.  Jonathan L DeWald was moved for admission by Eric Ladley.  He is a graduate of the University of Richmond and Dickinson School of Law, and has joined the Steinbacher & Stahl law firm. 

Joining the Mitchell Gallagher firm is Jessica Harlow. She graduated from Muhlenberg College and Liberty University School of Law.  Her admission was moved by C. Edward S. Mitchell.  Judge Butts' new law clerk is Neil B. Mahalingam, who was introduced by Amanda Browning.  He is a graduate of Saint Joseph's University and Villanova University School of Law.

Nicole M. Ippolito's admission was moved by Trisha D. Hoover.  She is a graduate of Rutgers University and received her Juris Doctor degree from the law school of that institution.  Jason L. Wiemann is working at the McCormick Law Firm.  He was introduced to the court by Brian J. Bluth.  Jason attended Westminster College and Michigan State School of Law.

After the individual petitions were presented, Prothonotary Suzanne M. Fedele administered the oath.

Each of the new attorneys was welcomed to the bar by the judges and by LLA President Mike Wiley, who also presented them with the volume Historical Sketches of the Bench and Bar of Lycoming County. Young Lawyers division chair Corey Mowrey encouraged the new members to become active in the division, and also to participate in the Inns of Court.

All were invited to a reception held at The Olde Corner that followed immediately after the court session.