Lycoming County Celebrates Law Day

Posted on May 4th, 2012 at 12:00 PM
Lycoming County Celebrates Law Day

Law Day winners*Read the essays and see the art*

Law Day was celebrated  on Friday, May 4, 2012.  The event was well attended by members of the bar and friends and family of essay and art contest winners.  Lycoming County Mock Trial contest winner, the Jersey Shore High School team, was also recognized.

The annual Law Day program, held at the Lycoming County Courthouse, showcased the winners of the annual essay and artwork contest co-sponsored by the Lycoming Law Association and the Lycoming County Paralegal Association. The winners presented their work for the first time to the assembled crowd.

The event began with a long-time tradition - the "Law Day Singers"  sang the national anthem. County Commissioner Jeff Wheeland read the official 2012 Law Day Proclamation.

Lycoming Law Association President Mike Wiley gave brief comments welcoming those in attendance.

Next, local Mock Trial program coordinator, John Pietrovito recognized members and coaches of the Jersey Shore High School Mock Trial team, the county winners of the contest.  Each member received a certificate.

The student art and essay contest winners were then called on to display their art works or read their essays.

The Grade K-5 essay topic was: "Why are Judges important?" The Grade 6-8 essay topic was: "What would life be like if there were no Courts? "

The Essay Winners:

Grand Prize: Elly Sherman - Grade 07 - Hughesville Junior High School.

Outstanding Achievement: Brady Chesebro - Grade 01 - Lyter Elementary School, Grace Baylor - Grade 02 - Schick Elementary School, Grace Boos - Grade 03 - Schick Elementary School, Joey Watkins - Grade 03 - Lyter Elementary School, Conner Gross - Grade 04 - Schick Elementary School, Juliet Jacques - Grade 06 - Curtin Middle School, Morgan Marty - Grade 06 - Curtin Middle School, Juliet Jacques - Grade 06 - Curtin Middle School, and Morgan Marty - Grade 06 - Curtin Middle School.

The artwork topic was:"No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom."  The Artwork Winners:

Grand Prize: Samia Campbell - Grade 07 - Curtin Middle School.

Outstanding Achievement: Halie Marriott - Grade 02 - Lyter Elementary School.

The keynote speaker was Senior Judge Kenneth Brown.  He highlighted the courage of German Judge Lothar Kreyssig. Kreyssig served as a guardianship judge in Nazi Germany, when Hitler implemented the T4 program, under which judges were called on to authorize the murder of physically or mentally disabled people. He refused to sign orders that came to him. He actually charged a doctor with murder for following the program. He protested the program to the Justice Ministry and was forced to retire from the bench, but he avoided the concentration camp and sure death because the Nazis feared publicity about the T4 program.

At the conclusion of the essay/artwork segment of the ceremony, the Judges expressed their thoughts on the student's work and the importance of Law Day in highlighting of the rule of law in our country. A reception sponsored by the Lycoming County Paralegal Association, in the children’s honor, was held in the Juror's Lounge and brought the assembled group together for pizza and cake.

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