Committee Chairs Recognized for Long-time Service, at Annual Banquet

Posted on January 15th, 2013 at 12:00 AM
Committee Chairs Recognized for Long-time Service, at Annual Banquet

Committee Chairs50-year memberships observed

Longevity was the theme of the 2013 LLA annual banquet.  Long-time members were joined by long-serving committee chairs in being recognized by the Association.

Newly elected LLA President Julie Steinbacher presided at the well-attended event that took place at the Holiday Inn, Williamsport.  The evening began with a cocktail hour and a nicely presented meal of fish, pork or chicken.  After the meal, the evening was packed with award presentations and recognitions that included also the naming of the second "William E. Nichols Community Service Award" recipient and pro bono service recognition.

Charles Greevy, III was recognized for his long chairmanship of the History Committee.  After he was introduced by President Steinbacher, his niece, he offered an interesting bit of family-bar history.  The first Greevy to serve as LLA President was Julie's great-grandfather, Charles F. Greevy, Sr. (1927).  Her grandfather Lester Greevy, Sr. served in 1963 and her father, Lester Greevy, Jr. served in 1980.

The chair of the Real Estate Committee, Fred Holland, was the next honoree.  Fred has always been at the head of the committee that was initially established to discuss the then new concept of performing real estate transactions without the counsel of a lawyer.

Bench Bar Committee chair C. Edward Mitchell has long led this committee in its important work of facilitating the smooth interaction of the court with members of the bar.

John Pietrovito has been a "work horse" in handling three of the more active committees:  Education, Mock Trial and Legal Services for the Indigent.  He has led the Education Committee through a significant increase in local CLE opportunities and Legal Services in its continued efforts to encourage local pro bono program participation by lawyers.  The Mock Trial program has seen significant local school participation.

Joe RiderThe final honoree, Gary Weber, was recognized for his long-time leadership of the Customs and Rules Committee and the Technology and Website Committee.  Mike Wiley, who presented the award, focused on Gary's efforts to report on the activities of the LLA through the Website and Lycoming Reporter.

Each of the honorees received a framed Terry Wild photograph with an inscription.

Fifty-year members Joe Rider and Paul Wertman were the next members to be recognized.  Both became members in 1962.  Paul has retired, but Joe maintains and active and busy practice focusing on real estate and estate law.  Joe actively participates in LLA events and committees.

Bill Carlucci was surprised by his receipt of the "William E. Nichols Community Service Award" which comes with the right to designate the recipients of a $1000 charitable donation made by the Association in his name.

The pro bono awards followed.  Bret Southard received the "Honorable Thomas Wood. Jr., Equal Access to Justice Award". Six Lycoming County firms received 100% participation awards and 94 attorneys received Fair Share awards for their handling of 268 cases, pro bono.

All-in-all a very busy evening - in which the services of many members of the Association received well deserved recognition.

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