Michele Frey to replace long-time ED Jessica Engel

Posted on November 4th, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Michele Frey to replace long-time ED Jessica Engel

Michele Frey to replace long-time ED Jessica Engel

After an extensive search, the Lycoming Law Association has hired Michele Frey to replace Executive Director Jessica Engel.

LLA members may know Michele from seeing her at LLA events, which she often attends with her husband, LLA member Christian Frey. She also is the current President of the Lycoming County Paralegal Association.

The hiring committee reviewed resumes from a number of qualified individuals, and conducted interviews throughout October. The committee unanimously recommended Michele's hiring because of her unique set of skills that fit well with the executive director responsibilities. Her hiring was approved by the LLA Executive Committee during a special meeting held on October 23, 2014.

Michele is a graduate of Roger Williams University, Rhode Island, with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She majored in political science and minored in marketing and creative writing. She also attended one year of law school, before returning to Lycoming County with her attorney husband.

For the past 10 years, Michele has been employed as a paralegal at Lepley, Engelman and Yaw, where her experience mirrors her soon to be new responsibilities as Executive Director of the LLA.

Michele will begin her new responsibilities on November 10, and is enthusiastic about her new situation. "After working as a paralegal for more than ten years, I am looking forward to my new responsibilities as the director of the Lycoming Law Association. I intend to put forth the same hard work, dedication and enthusiasm that Jessica Engel has devoted to the LLA."

Current Executive Director Engel will continue on the job for several weeks to assist in training.

Message from President Waffenschmidt about the new Lycoming Law Association Executive Director:

As you all may have heard, Jessica Engel, who has been our Executive Director for the last 10 years, is leaving us. Her decision to leave is of a purely personal nature and has nothing to do with her job or the organization. Jessica has purchased a home in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she is hoping to avoid running into the polar vortex. She was kind enough to give us plenty of notice about her intentions of moving which allowed us to set the wheels in motion to look for her replacement. I appointed a search committee that included Angela Lovecchio, Bob Cronin, Gary Weber, Jack Humphrey and myself. Jessica of course coordinated the efforts of the search committee and participated and advised us in the process of reviewing applications and interviewing candidates. Overall we received 18 applications for the position and the committee ended up interviewing 5 candidates.

Ultimately, the search committee unanimously recommended to the Executive Board that the position be offered to Michele Frey. The Executive Board accepted the recommendation and unanimously decided to offer her the position. At this point I am pleased to report that Mrs. Frey has accepted the offer. She will be joining the organization on November 10, 2014. Please extend a warm welcome to her when you see her!

Jessica will remain with the Law Association at least until the end of November 2014 and train Michele so as to make the transition as smooth and seamless as possible. Even after Jessica has relocated to Charlotte she has agreed to continue to work with Michelle and the LLA on an as needed basis.

Over these past 10 years Presidents have come and gone but the one constant in this organization has been Jessica. She has really been the heart and soul of this organization, a great leader, organizer, and coordinator without whom this organization could not have functioned. When you see Jessica please thank her for her tireless efforts, dedication, and outstanding performance. She has made the job of every President a lot easier and made each of us look like we knew what we were doing.

Very truly yours,

Tom Waffenschmidt
LLA President