U.S Supreme Court Welcomes LLA Attorneys

Posted on November 22nd, 2019 at 9:21 PM
U.S Supreme Court Welcomes LLA Attorneys

Photo (left to right): Denise Dieter, Chris Kenyon, Rachel Planas, Chief Justice John Roberts, Christian Frey, Tiffani Kase, Mary Kilgus, Liz and Austin White.

The Lycoming Law Association is celebrating it's 150th anniversary this year with a number of events. On November 18, one such event had seven members of the Association reach the highest level of bar admission with their joining the bar of the United States Supreme Court.

The admission ceremony took place in the Supreme Courtroom in Washington, D.C. The seven LLA members were admitted upon motion by District Judge Christian Frey.

The group was privileged to have met the highest ranking judge in the United States. Chief Justice John Roberts joined the members of the Lycoming Law Association for a private meeting after the admission ceremony. He expressed some familiarity with parts of Pennsylvania and asked where Lycoming County was located. Chief Justice Roberts also spoke about the first oath that was administered by the Supreme Court of the United States.  Justice Roberts pointed out the oath the LLA members took is the same one that the very first lawyer, a friend of John Jay, took when admitted.  This encounter was a real honor. 

Although they were unavailable for a private meeting, Justices Kagan and Gorsuch reached out to the LLA to offer congratulations on the 150th Anniversary. 

The bench was nearly full at the admission ceremony.  Only Justice Bryer was absent; the other eight justices were present.  At the end of the ceremony. Justice Thomas waited for and assisted Justice Ginsburg down the steps.  They were the last two justices to leave the packed courtroom. 

It was a very memorable experience.

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