Writing Wills for Heroes

Posted on March 26th, 2019 at 7:52 PM
Writing Wills for Heroes

Wills for Heroes 2019Since 2015 the Lycoming Law Association has been sponsoring a local "Wills for Heroes" event. On March 23, 2019, the event returned for another successful session.

Nearly 30 attorneys and paralegals participated in the event. Sixty local firefighters and veterans were served during the session.

Individual consultations were scheduled throughout the day at the Old Lycoming Fire Hall. Each attendee who scheduled an appointment met with an attorney, and most left with a will, living will, or health care power of attorney.

The event is part of a national program that began after many first responders from the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks died without wills or estate planning for their families. Each year since the service was initially offered in Lycoming County has seen more participants - both attorneys and those served.

Thanks to all who made the 2019 event successful, including Attorneys: Kristine Waltz, Corey Mowrey, Chris Kenyon, Jon DeWald, Taylor Mullholand, Adrianne Stahl, Lindsay Walker, Tiffani Kase, Jeff Yates, Denise Dieter, Angela Lovecchio, Aaron Biichle, Jessica Feese, Bob Cronin, Jessica Harlow, Rita Alexyn, Nicole Ippolito, Jeana Longo, Neil Devlin, Christina Dinges, Amy Boring, Darren Pfeil, Steve Sholder, Ryan Tira, Landon Hodges, John Pietrovito, John Zurich, and Norm Lubin. Also thany you notaries and witnesses: Gabriele Miller, Steve Sorage, Michele Frey, Sheila Yates, Valerie Fleeger, Sue Jones, Stephanie Tempesco, Stefanie Bennett, Catherine Redden, Rebecca Hovenstine, Emily Powell, Jerri Rook, Mike Jones, and Victoria Longo. Fiinally, thanking event sponsors, Lycoming Law Association Foundation, Pennsylvania Bar Association, Old Lycoming Twp. VoL Fire Co., Herbert Rieders Foundation, Recovery of Objects Judaica, Rita G. Alexyn, Attorney-at-Law, McCormick Law Firm, Mitchell Gallagher, PC, Marshall, Parker & Weber, LLC, McNerney Page Vanderlin & Hall, Dinges, Dinges & Waltz, LLC, and Wegmans.

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