Paul Roman Named LLAF Trustee
With the recent passing of long-time trustee Joe Rider, the Lycoming Law Association Foundation Board of Trustees had one open position. Fittingly, the trustees nominated Joe's partner, Paul Roman, to complete Joe's term as trustee.
Paul Roman has practiced in Lycoming County since 1984. He served as Lycoming Law Association president in 1998.
The Lycoming Law Association Foundation was established in 1989 with the lofty mission "to cultivate the science of jurisprudence, improve the legal and judicial system and facilitate the administration of justice for residents of Lycoming County; to promote education generally, including the cultivation of law-related education in schools of Lycoming County, the granting of scholarships, assistance to public libraries in Lycoming County and advancement of continuing legal education...."
Congratulations to Paul Roman on becoming a member of the Board of Trustees.