LLA Picnic at New Trail

Posted on August 19th, 2021 at 10:14 PM
LLA Picnic at New Trail

Katherine Wilkinson, Don Martino and Bill CarlucciThe rain came - but the Law Association picnic wasn't affected. We were high and dry on Arch Streeet in Williamsport. 

Tropical Storm Fred did not dampen the spirits of the Lycoming Law Association members and friends who spent the evening of August 18, 2021 at New Trail Brewery for the annual picnic. The guests enjoyed New Trail beer and food from the Brickyard. The menu included pork, beef, bean and chicken sliders, Buffalo chicken mac'n cheese and cup cakes of 4 different varieties. All very good!

PBA President Kathleen D. Wilkinson and her husband, former president Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr., attended along with regular guest, David Trevaskis, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator. Also attending were representatives of our sponsors, Findlaw and Harris Investigations. Woodlands Bank also sponsored the event.

A good time was had by all.

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