Local Inns of Court Group Reorganized as Charles F. Greevy, Jr. Law Society
The Charles F. Greevy, Jr. American Inn of Court has been reorganized as the Charles F. Greevy, Jr. Law Society. The Society is open for new members who are interested in the benefits of intelectual relationships with members of the Bench and Bar.
The officersof the Society are as follows:
Corey Mowrey, President
Brian Bluth, Vice President
Tammy Taylor, Treasurer
Jessica Harlow, Secretary
There are 6 monthly meetings, held on a Wednesday, at various restaurants for dinner at 6:00 PM with an hour long presentation to follow beginning at 7:00 PM. There is a cash bar before dinner. Meeting dates and locations for 2021-22 are as follows:
September 29, 2021 at 505
October 27, 2021 TBD
November 17, 2021 TBD
January 26, 2022 TBD
February 16, 2022 TBD
March 22, 2022 TBD
Each member is assigned a group led by a Judge to prepare and present a presentation worthy of a CLE credit.
The dues schedule remains the same as the 2019 – 2020 year and is as follows:
Judges and Masters (attorneys for 20 years or more) - $250
Barristers (attorneys for more than 10 years but less than 20 years) - $200
Associates (attorney for 10 or less years) - $125
Dues include membership to the Law Society, meals and CLE credits. Please pay your dues as soon as possible by writing a check to the Charles F. Greevy, Jr. Law Society and giving it to the treasurer, Tammy Taylor, at a meeting or by mail to 330 Pine Street, Suite 302, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Each month members will receive a reminder email about the monthly meeting from one of the officers. It is important that you respond with your RSVP to Nicole R. Roupp (Assistant to C. Edward S. Mitchell and Jessica L. Harlow) at nrr@mitchellgallagher.com and Jessica Harlow at jharlow@mitchellgallagher.com
The first meeting is on September 29, 2021 at 505. Please RSVP to nrr@mitchellgallagher.com and jharlow@mitchellgallagher.com by September 22, 2019. We look forward to another successful year.other successful year.