2025 Annual Meeting of the Lycoming Law Association

Posted on January 13th, 2025 at 12:06 PM
2025 Annual Meeting of the Lycoming Law Association

The annual meeting of the Lycoming Law Association took place on January 13, 2025. Due to the unavailability of president Joy McCoy, past president Liz White presided.

The purpose of the meeting was to elect new officers and an executive committee member, listen to reports of  Association committees, and to pass a budget. 

The meeting was opened with the approval of the minutes of the 2023 meeting, and financial reports were reviewed and approved. 

The report of the Nominating Committee was reviewed and approved unanimously. By that action, the membership elected Judge Ryan Gardner as President and other members of the Executive Committee as follows: President-Elect - Jeana Longo; Treasurer - Marc Drier; Secretary - Jennifer Linn; and Jonathan DeWald, Christopher Kenyon, Melody Protasio, Christna Dinges - At Large Members. Joy Reynolds McCoy will serve a term as Past President.

The president's clock was then passed from Liz White to Judge Gardner. 

The first order of new business was a moment of silence for deceased members Henry Hager, Robert Wise, Bob Farrell and Craig Harris.

Executive Director Michele Frey gave her report, followed by the reports of the attending committee chairs. The written reports are linked below.

The Bylaws of the Association were amended to clarify the role of the executive director with the Association's finances and to allow lawyer law clerks to become associate members.

The final act of the members was to approve the 2024 budget.

Judge Linhardt was recognized and he commented on two points. First, he encouraged members to attend memorial court sessions for deceased members. He mentioned that these sessions are important to recognize the accomplishments of the member and interesting for the stories and memories shared by other members. Second, he encouraged pro bono work. He commented on the significant need for representation of pro se PFA plaintiffs and encouraged members to take at least two assignments a year,

Attorney Hoffa was recognized for the purpose of noting the upcoming retirement of M.D.Pa. Magistrate Judge Arbuckle. He, and Judge Arbuckle, encouraged qualified candidates to apply for the position.

The meeting then adjourned.

The Lycoming Law Association Foundation then held its annual meeting. President Robin Read presided.

The minutes of last year's meeting were approved, as was the financial report.

Board members Robin Read and Julieanne Steinbacher were elected to new 4 year terms. The Nominating Committee noted that President Gardner and President Elect Longo will serve as ex officio members of the board in 2025.

President Read reported on a new scholarship program for Lycoming County residents that awarded scholarships to seven students in 2024.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Lycoming Law Association Agenda & Reports

Lycoming Law Association Foundation Agenda & Reports