50 Year Members Recognized
In 1975, the Lycoming County Bar received 2 new members, who are still active today. Howard Langdon and Warren (Rick) Baldys were recognized at the 2025 Lycoming Law Association annual banquet for 50 years of membership. Both spent their careers in the County.
John Pietrovito offered comments about Howard. John certainly knows Howard well, as they practiced together for over 30 years. He briefly outlined Howard's professional and personal accomplishments, which included authoring over 2500 wills and conducting over 7800 real estate closings. He practiced before 16 Lycoming County Judges. He was an Eagle Scout and served other boys as a scout and cub master. He is active in his church. He operates a farm.
Rick Baldys was introduced by Judge Bill Carlucci. The judge first met Rick as he interned in the local legal services office. After he began practicing, he knew Rick as a good lawyer who did brilliant work in the worker's compensation and Social Security disability areas.
Both Howard and Rick remarked on their long careers, the people they worked with, the judges they appeared before and their clients. Both offered anecdotes from their practices. Both have recently retired and are enjoying the benefits of retirement.