In Memoriam: Michael Joseph Maggio (1897—72)

Posted on December 20th, 1972 at 12:00 AM
In Memoriam: Michael Joseph Maggio (1897—72)

Michael Joseph Maggio, a member of the Lycoming Law Association, died December 20, 1972.  A memorial service was held by the court.

Read the memorial resolutions:

In The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County No. 72-3317

In The Matter of The Death of Michael J. Maggio

To The Honorable, The Judges of The Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County:

Pursuant to the Order of this Court, the appointed committee has met and prepared resolutions, herein set forth and respectfully submitted:

MICHAEL J. MAGGIO was born in the Village of Redburn, Pennsylvania, near Ralston, Pennsylvania, on the 22nd day of June, 1897.  He departed this life on December 20, 1972, at the age of 75.

He was the son of James Maggio, a coal mine operator at Ralston, and Venerina Maggio. He attended elementary schools at Redburn and Ralston and graduated from the Williamsport High School, Bucknell University and the Columbia University Law School.

He served briefly with the O.S. Navy during World War I at Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington.

He began his legal practice upon admission to the Lycoming County Bar on February 18, 1924, and was associated in the practice of law for a time with G. B. H. Metzger and then with Mortimer C. Rhone until the later became Judge in 1938. After Judge Rhone left the bench Mr. Maggio resumed his association with him in his private practice. During his years of practice a number of young members of the Bar became associated with him during their clerkship and afterwards. Among them were the Honorable Malcolm Muir, the Honorable Charles F. Greevy, Lester L. Greevy, Patrick H. Fierro, Michael J. Casale, John S. Hayes and Robert J. Wollet. Mr. Maggio continued his association with Mr. Wollet even after he suffered a stroke in the year 1961, and although he became inactive in the practice of law his name continued to be associated with Mr. Wollet’s office until his death.

Although he is not survived by any close relatives he leaves behind him a large number of dear friends and colleagues who will sorely grieve his passing.

Mike Maggio was a vital contributor of his assets and time to many local civic and charitable endeavors and did so with little fanfare with respect to his participation. He served actively in the promotion of the Divine Providence Hospital and was a member of its Advisory Board until his health required him to resign. He participated in industrial development campaigns as well as the Lycoming College campaigns.

He was particularly interested in the youth and under-privileged. He was known to be a person to whom an appeal could be made to help a young or needy person. He often was called upon to assist with the purchase of needed items for the young people at the Lycoming County Juvenile Detention Quarters. He also was associated with several other individual citizens in the promotion of a summer camp for boys near Trout Run.

Mike Maggio was actively interested in promoting the welfare and development of the area of Lycoming Creek Valley, particularly in the Ralston neighborhood. He was instrumental in having the Pennsylvania Department of Highways pave Route 14 from Trout Run to the New York State line. He participated in obtaining and locating several industries in the Ralston area. An avid sportsman he was the originator of the concept which ultimately be came known as the Wheel Inn, Inc., the Red Run Rod and Gun Club, Inc. and the Wheel Inn Outdoor Life, Inc., all of which contributed to the social and sports activity in that area. He expended large amounts of his money and time in the development of fishing lakes and recreation area on property owned by him, which was made available to the members of these organizations.

He also was one of the organizers with a group of attorneys and medical doctors of the Highland Lake Manor, which ultimately became associated with the local 40 et 8 organization.

During World War II Mike left his law practice to serve his country in the local Office of Price Administration as Enforcement Attorney at substantial personal sacrifice.

During his active practice of law he was particularly well known for his ability as a trial attorney and because of his short stature and aggressive manner in presenting his arguments he was affectionately known as ‘‘the Banty Rooster’’ and was noted for his powers of persuasion with a jury.

Mike had many friends and enjoyed membership in many social, civic and fraternal organizations, some of which were the Williamsport Elks Lodge No. 173, in which he held a life membership; over 50 years with Garrett Cochran American Legion Post 1; 40 et 8; Antlers Country Club, Inc.; Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity; Bucknell Alumni Association; Lycoming Historical Society, and a life member of the Williamsport Wheel Club, the Wheel Inn, Inc. and Red Run Rod and Gun Club, Inc. He served as President of the Williamsport Wheel Club and Wheel Inn, Inc. He was a Past President of the Lycoming County Law Association, and also a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He was a member of St. Aioysius Church in Ralston.

His passing from this life on Wednesday, December 20, 1972, has saddened the hearts and minds of his colleagues and many friends from all walks of life and he will be long remembered by them.

We, therefore, offer the following resolution for adoption as part of the Minutes of this Court:

BE IT RESOLVED, that by the death of Michael J. Maggio, the Bar of Lycoming County has lost an able and esteemed member, the community, a valued citizen, and his colleagues, a good and devoted friend. And be it further resolved that this Resolution be spread at length upon the Minutes of this Court.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert J. Wollet, Chairmen
Clyde B. Williamson
Clyde B. Carpenter
John C. Youngman
Michael J. Casale