Lawyers Wait on Tables for a Cause

Posted on August 11th, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Lawyers Wait on Tables for a Cause

Benefit for The Walk to End Alzheimer's

Four members of the Lycoming Law Association made a career change - a least for a couple of hours.

LLA members Tammy Weber, Dale Tice, Nick Lutz from Marshall, Parker & Weber, and Jennifer Linn from Steinbacher and Stahl stepped up to take drink orders from several hundred thirsty patrons at the Northcental Pennsylvania Geriatric Interest Network's 2nd Annual Forget-Me-Not Happy Hour to benefit the local Walk to End Alzheimer's.  Non-LLA members Bill Kieser from Sander’s Mortuary, Ed Barone from Wilmington Trust, Mayor Gabe Campana and Rep. Rick Mirabito also participated.

The event, which took place in Imbibe on August 8, 2013, asked celebrity waiters to serve drinks to solicit tips for the charity.  Also, an auction of baskets of goodies donated by local businesses brought in additional funds.

The event resulted in a total donation of $3,332 to the Lycoming – Clinton Walk to End Alzheimers. Attorney Tammy Weber continues to reign as the tip champion - winning the tip battle with $577.00.  Nice work Tammy!