LLA Gearing-up for Sesquicentennial

Posted on April 3rd, 2017 at 12:00 AM
LLA Gearing-up for Sesquicentennial

Committee formed to begin 2019 planning

It has been nearly 148 years since a group of Lycoming County Lawyers petitioned the court for approval of a charter of incorporation of an association of attorneys. The petition was filed on December 1, 1869, granted by Judge Gamble in 1870, and the Lycoming Law Association was born.

The year 2019 marks the Sesquicentennial of the Association, and already the planning has begun for a celebration to mark the long and storied history of the organization. According to Marshall R. Anspach the first meeting of the Association took place on January 25, 1870, with thirteen charter members. Of course, today's Association is more than 200 members strong.

Magistrate Judge Christian Frey is leading a committee that has been formed to plan events for the 150th anniversary celebration. Judge Frey is scheduled to serve as President of the Association in 2019.

The planning is in its early stages, but a number of events have been put forward for discussion. The celebration will include a mix of member only and public events. For members, possibilities include a United States Supreme Court admission ceremony, and a banquet, perhaps in conjunction with a Superior or Commonwealth Court special session in Williamsport. Public events may include a Community Theater League special presentation of a law related drama and a public reception, featuring prominent speakers, on the history and impact of the Association.

The ad hoc committee is working with the LLA History Committee, which is discussing more tangible mementos of the Sesquicentennial. The history group is in the planning stages of several publications - an update/pocket part of the Anspach volume, a pictorial history of the Association and an oral history, featuring interviews of senior members of the bar.

Volunteers with an interest in history are encouraged to assist with these projects. To help with the Sesquicentennial planning, contact Christian Frey. To work with the History Committee on its projects, contact Skip Greevy.