Lycoming Law Association Participates in Penn State Law Event

Posted on May 1st, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Lycoming Law Association Participates in Penn State Law Event

PSU Career DayUNIVERSITY PARK – On Friday, April 7, Penn State Law held its first Careers in the Law event, designed to help students learn more about the various practice areas of the legal field.

Alumni and friends of Penn State Law with a variety of experience in law practice, as well as individual law firms, were invited to campus to participate in the event. All Penn State Law students were invited to attend to network with the guests and learn about the more than 20 practice areas represented, as well as the law firms, bar associations, and legal aid organizations in attendance. Students were not permitted to bring their résumés, but were allowed to exchange business cards with the approximately 65 professionals in attendance.

The Lycoming Law Association sent a delegation consisting of President Ryan Tira, District Judge Christian Frey and Michele Frey. The group met students, potential students and discussed the practice of law in Lycoming County.

All agreed that the event was worthwhile and interesting.

PSU Career Day