Educational Technology Upgrade: Thanks to Pa. Bar Insurance Trust Fund

Posted on December 18th, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Educational Technology Upgrade: Thanks to Pa. Bar Insurance Trust Fund

Thanks in great part to a grant by the Pennsylvania Bar Insurance Trust Fund, the much needed improvements have enhanced the Association's ability to present and record its educational programs. The grant, in the amount of $3,692.70 covered most of the cost of the project.

The grant funded the cost of loud speakers and microphones, to increase the amplification of sound in our large conference room. Also, a Panasonic ultra HD camcorder was purchased to record and retain live presentations for replays on later dates. The camera is a newer model that has improved video quality and sound recording capabilities, to ensure a good quality recording. This is a substantial improvement over the home-video model borrowed from one of our members for the past year or so.

The Trust Fund was established to promote educational and charitable activities within the legal profession and the administration of justice, particularly in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thanks to Executive Director for identifying the opportunity and writing the grant request that led to this award of funds.

Thanks also Technology Committee member Austin White for researching and specifying the equipment ultimately purchased for this improvement project.