Penn State Law Students Attend LLA Social Event

Posted on October 6th, 2017 at 9:09 PM
Penn State Law Students Attend LLA Social Event

Friday, October 6, was a beautiful fall day in Williamsport. It was a great day for an outdoor social event at the Brickyard with a number of soon-to--be lawyers from Penn State Law School.

Dean Randolph Reliford, in furtherance of an ongoing relationship with the Lycoming Law Association, coordinated the event, which provided the opportunity for students to meet and talk to practicing lawyers.

The students ranged form first to third year students with interests running the full gamut of possible legal careers, from civil litigation to domestic relations and criminal law. Students often were from other states or countries; Korea, Arizona, Florida and Massachusetts were all represented.

The event was well attended and the students certainly had the opportunity to mingle with and talk to a number of experienced and well respected members of the bar. The exchanges were lively. No doubt, the event will be repeated in the future and it is likely that these types of events will be beneficial to both student and practicing attorney.

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