Pro bono award funds presented to St. Anthony's Center

Posted on January 20th, 2016 at 11:09 PM
Pro bono award funds presented to St. Anthony's Center

Every year, at the annual banquet, the LLA honors those of its membership who undertook pro bono work in the previous year. In years past the LLA Legal Services for the Indigent Committee would award an item of nominal value to the attorney, to commemorate the  efforts of the attorney on behalf of the poor.

This year, as in the recent past, each attorney receives a certificate of achievement and the Association donates the funds that would have been used for the gifts to a worthwhile charity, in the name of the pro bono lawyers.

This year, $500 was donated to St. Anthony's Center, Williamsport an organization that feeds, clothes and otherwise serves needy families in the city. The check was accepted by Charmaine Shockloss, a member of the Board of St. Anthony's Center.

The attorneys of the Association in whose name the donation was given are pleased to support the worthy efforts St. Anthony's Center.