Widener CLE at LLA Office

Posted on September 20th, 2017 at 9:17 PM
Widener CLE at LLA Office

Dean Johnson; Director of Alumni Relations Natasha Lewis; Federal Magistrate Judge Skip Arbuckle; Attorney Corey Mowrey: Widener Law Professor Randy Lee and Attorney Jeff Dohrmann.In furtherance of the Lycoming Law Association's ongoing cooperation with Widener Law School, Professor Randy Lee presented his “Billy Joel and the Law” CLE to a room full of attorneys, on Wednesday September 20, 2017. Also attending, Dean of the Widener Law School, Christian Johnson.

After the CLE event a few friends and alumni stuck around for the above photo: left to right, Dean Johnson; Director of Alumni Relations Natasha Lewis; Federal Magistrate Judge Skip Arbuckle; Attorney Corey Mowrey: Widener Law Professor Randy Lee and Attorney Jeff Dohrmann.