Law Day 2006
Law Day 2006 was celebrated in a packed Lycoming County Court House court room, on Tuesday, May 2, 2006. As in other recent years, the winners of the Lycoming Law Association and Lycoming County Paralegal Association sponsored essay and artwork contest presented their work for the first time to the assembly.
This year, the celebration took place in conjunction with a Williamsport session of The Superior Court. Superior Court Judges Richard B. Klein, Mary Jane Bowes, and Seamus P. McCaffery, assisted with the festivities this year.
Judge Dudley Anderson, a member of the Law Day Committee, welcomed the large crowd to the ceremony and introduced his Judicial colleagues. Law Day Committee Chairman Jonathan Butterfield introduced the "Law Day Singers" who offered a rousing rendition of our national anthem. County Commissioner Rebecca Burke then read the Law Day proclamation, which pointed to the many reasons why the citizens of Lycoming County should appreciate the rule of law.
After some brief comments by Lycoming Law Association President Craig Harris, the student winners were then called on to display their works or read their essays. The Elementary division winners: (Essays): Daniel Smith – 3rd Grade, Cochran Elementary School; Jacob Bair – 5th Grade, McCall Middle School. (Artwork): Arianna Figured – 1st Grade, St. Boniface School; Annelyse Matzinger – 2nd Grade, St. Joseph School; Carlisle Wishard – 5th Grade, McCall Middle School. The Secondary division winners: (Essays): Rachel Kempf – 9th Grade, Williamsport High School; Levi Schappell – 10th Grade, Williamsport High School; Aaron Brooks – 11th Grade, Walnut Street Christian School. (Artwork): Elise Toodles – 11th Grade, Williamsport High School; Ashley Embly – 12th Grade, Montoursville, High School.
At the conclusion of the essay/artwork segment of the ceremony, the Judges expressed their thoughts on the student's work and the significance of Law Day in conveying the importance of the rule of law in our country. A reception in the Juror's Lounge brought the assembled group together for pizza and cake.
Following that reception, a more formal reception and dinner was held for the entire Lycoming County Bar at DiSalvo’s in honor of the Superior Court Judges. PBA President and LLA member Bill Carlucci spoke on the the importance of an independent judiciary.