Law Day in Lycoming County
Law Day 2009 was celebrated in a packed Lycoming County Courthouse Court Room on Friday, May 1, 2009.
The Annual Law Day program, held at the Lycoming County Courthouse, showcased the winners of the Annual Essay and Artwork Contest co-sponsored by the Lycoming Law Association and the Lycoming County Paralegal Association. The winners presented their work for the first time to the assembly.
After some brief comments by Judge Dudley Anderson, the Lycoming County Court's liaison with the Law Day Committee, Judge Anderson introduced the "Law Day Singers" who again offered a terrific version of our national anthem. County Commissioner Jeff Wheeland read the official 2009 Law Day Proclamation.
Lycoming Law Association President Jonathan E. Butterfield gave brief comments welcoming those in attendance.
This year’s speaker and Guest of Honor was State Representative Richard Mirabito. Rep. Mirabito addressed the winners of the art and essay contests by telling them how proud they should feel of their accomplishments, and encouraged them to carry the lessons learned in their projects wherever life may take them. He concluded with some good advice. "No matter where you come from, if you work hard and apply yourselves, get an education, and have integrity, you can go on to do great things."
The student winners were then called on to display their art works or read their essays.
The Grade K-4 Essay Topic was: "People Who Make Courts Work." The Grade 5-8 Essay Topic was: "Different Treatment for Different Folks." Grades 9-12 were given the Essay Topic: "Freedom of Speech on the Internet." The Essay Winners:
Grand Prize: Skilyn Deitrick, Grade 4, Central Elementary School.
Outstanding Achievement: Jauzline Middendorf, Grade 1, Jackson Elementary School; Amelia Deacon, Grade 6, CE McCall Middle School; Brandon Route, Grade 9, Williamsport Area High School.
The Artwork Topic (for all age groups) was: "A Legacy of Liberty: Celebrating Lincoln." The Artwork Winners:
Grand Prize: Brandon Route, Grade 9, Williamsport Area High School.
Outstanding Achievement: Braden Cott, Grade 2, Lyter Elementary School; Sara Weidler, Grade 5, CE McCall Middle School; Robert Barnes, Grade 5, CE McCall Middle School; Alexis Huff, Grade 6, Ashkar Elementary School; Rilynn Temple, Grade 6, Renn Elementary School.
At the conclusion of the essay/artwork segment of the ceremony, the Judges expressed their thoughts on the student's work and the importance of Law Day in conveying the importance of the rule of law in our country. A reception sponsored by the Lycoming County Paralegal Association, in the children’s honor, was held in the Juror's Lounge and brought the assembled group together for pizza and cake.
Following that, another reception was held for the entire Lycoming County Bar at the Old Corner.